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Off Limits (Kings of Mayhem MC 5)

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The incident made the news all around the world. It was a message to anyone who dared to fuck with the Salvaj.

This is what happens to our rivals.

“What is Martel’s involvement with the cartel? How does he benefit from aligning himself with them?” I asked.

Spider’s shifty eyes shot to mine. “It’s your basic import-export deal. Martel has the real estate and transportation, and they have the product. It’s so simple it’s almost unbelievable.”

“And you’re absolutely sure about this?” Bull asked.

“Yeah. I’ve heard it from more than one source.” He shook his head. “If I hear anything else I will contact you. But fucking keep my name out of this, Bull, because I don’t want my head to end up on a spike and sent to my mother in the mail.”

Outside the club, we talked as we walked to our bikes.

“You think it’s reliable information?” I asked Bull.

“Despite being a slimy sonofabitch, he’s never let us down before. But we need to investigate it. Find out for ourselves if Martel really is involved with the Saljav, and if he is, how far does his involvement go and what the fuck does that mean for Destiny?” He climbed on his bike. “I want to pay Gimmel Martel a visit. Ask him myself.”

We started our bikes and the sound of two barking Harleys rumbled through the alleyway.

“That’s our next move?”

Bull nodded. “Tomorrow, we’ll pay him a visit. Welcome him to our town … Kings of Mayhem style.”

After I left Bull, I headed for home.

Earlier, Chastity had texted me asking if I would be interested in having dinner. A thank you for letting her stay with me.

It was thoughtful but not necessary. I was enjoying the company.

When I pulled up to the house, Chastity’s car was in the driveway and all the lights were on. As I approached the front door, I was greeted by the distinct smell of something burning.

Inside, she was chopping salad vegetables at the kitchen counter, while Roky Erickson sang about a “Creature With An Atom Brain” on the stereo. The sharp aroma of burnt food was thicker inside, but apparently, she didn’t notice it.

“Hey, is everything okay?” I asked, dumping my backpack on the kitchen table.

She looked up and smiled. “Sure, why do you ask?”

“It smells like something is burning in here.”

“It does?” She looked surprised but then her features smoothed and she waved it off, returning to chopping up bell peppers for the salad. “It’s just dinner. It’s a new recipe I’m trying.”

I glanced at the electric skillet on the kitchen counter. It was definitely ground zero.

When I walked over to it and opened it, I had to contain my laughter.

“Um, Chastity? What the fuck is this?”

She looked up. “Corned beef. Why?”

I stared at the charcoal lump smoldering in the pan.

“Wait… it’s not meant to look like that!” She shrieked, as she peered over my shoulder. “And where are my onions and carrots?”

I looked at the black lumps next to the hunk of burned meat, suspecting they were the missing onions and carrots in a charred disguise.

Chastity raced to the notepad by the telephone and started to read out what she had written down.

“Fill pan with water, a splash of vinegar and cloves. Add onion, carrots, and meat. Cook for several hours until meat is tender.”

I lifted the meat up with a roasting fork. “I think we passed tender a few hours ago. We’re well and truly into rigor mortis now.”

She squinted as she held the notepad closer so she could see what she had written. “Oh crap! I think pan was meant to say pot. I was supposed to do it in a pot. Not a pan!” She threw the notepad down on the counter. “See, this is why I don’t cook.”

I dropped the meat back into the electric skillet, and when the fork fell away, the meat was bright pink inside. I wanted to laugh, but Chastity looked so disappointed.

I walked over to her. “How about you keep going with the salad and I make us some pasta.”

“You cook?”

I winked at her. “I’m a man of many talents. Grab me a can of tomatoes out of the pantry.”

Within half an hour, the offending corned beef was disposed of and two plates of steaming pasta marinara sat on the kitchen counter. I grabbed a couple of beers, flipped the lids off and handed one to Chastity. Because it was hot, we sat out on the deck overlooking the pool and ate our dinner.

“This is so much better than hot pink corned beef,” Chastity said, slurping pasta through her plump lips.

“It was a pretty impressive color. And those carrots and onions…” I teased.

She blushed but laughed. “Talk about epic fail. Although, I don’t know why I’m so surprised. After today it’s a wonder I didn’t burn the damn kitchen down.”

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