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Off Limits (Kings of Mayhem MC 5)

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Caleb joined me at the bar and clamped a hand on my shoulder. “So, it’s true. Our sergeant-at-arms has gone and lost his head over a girl.”

I raised my bourbon to my lips and took a mouthful, using the time to work out how Caleb felt about me and Chastity. He seemed pretty easy going about it. But then again, that was Caleb.

“You okay with that?” I asked.

He shrugged. “She’s a grown woman. Old enough to make her own decisions.”

“So this isn’t going to be a talk about how I’m not good enough for her?”

He grinned and nodded to the barman for a drink.

“She’s our baby sister, man. In our eyes, no one is going to be good enough for her. But you’re as close as anyone is going to get, brother, so I’m happy for you both. Just don’t break her heart. I don’t want to mess up that pretty face of yours.”

He smiled when he said it, but I had no doubt he would happily mess up my face if I did the wrong thing by his sister. He had nothing to worry about. I had no intention of fucking up. I didn’t need or want anything else. Just her. I glanced across the room at her as she walked in with Cassidy.

Christ, she’s beautiful.

I was the luckiest fucking man in the world.

Caleb chuckled and shook his head. “Man, you’ve got it bad.”

He was right.

I was about to head over to my queen when Ronnie appeared in front of me. Dressed in a sexy green dress with heels that went on forever, she was a knock out.

A deadly knock out.

I was wondering when she would pounce. Ronnie was fierce. A killer biker queen you didn’t fuck with. If anyone was going to have something to say about my involvement with Chastity, it would be her.

“How about you take me for a push around the dance floor, Mr. La Montagne?”

I smiled. “Well, it would be my pleasure, Ms. Calley.”

I led her out onto the dance floor just as the band started to play Buddy Guy’s “What Kind Of Woman Is This.”

Ronnie didn’t waste any time getting straight to the point.

“So, you and my daughter.”

It was a trait I admired.

“Do you mind?”

She cocked an eyebrow at me.

“I don’t hate the idea.”

That surprised me.

“The age difference doesn’t bother you?”

“I think it will impact your relationship eventually. I’m not sure how and I’m not sure how much. But what I do know is that my headstrong daughter has made up her mind to give you her heart, and no amount of resistance from me or the rest of the family is going to stop her.”

“Your brother doesn’t seem to think so.”

“My brother loves her like a daughter so no one is ever going to be good enough for her. I think if you get to the crux of it, Michael is just as hurt as he is protective.”

I pulled back to look at her. “Hurt?”

She rolled her eyes. “He’d never admit it because he’s a stubborn fool. But you’re like a brother to him. You’re a part of Wendy, and he’s always held you in high regard. You doing this behind his back, I think that is what hurts him. He knows you’re good enough for Chastity. Hell, we all do. But my brother, he holds trust and honesty as the highest form of respect. It’s an instinct that has kept him alive and president of the biggest MC in the South for a very long time. You broke that, and in doing that, you broke his heart.”

I didn’t know what to say.

But what Ronnie was saying was true.

Bull’s resistance to Chastity and me being together was more about the trust I’d broken by not going to him about our involvement. I regretted him finding out the way he did, hell, the way he found out was a clusterfuck. But it happened. And now I had to repair what was broken that day.

I glanced over to where he was standing at the bar, a glass of scotch in his hand and his dark glasses fixed firmly in my direction. His jaw was set, and if his fingers gripped the glass any tighter it would shatter.

If I had been any other club member, he would’ve shot me.

“She’s in love with you, Ruger. Don’t fucking take it for granted,” Ronnie said.

“I’m not planning to.”

“Good.” She leaned closer to whisper in my ear. “Because I’ve got a rusty pair of scissors at home with your name on them if you mistreat her.”

“Rusty scissors?”

“They’re meaner on the ball sac than a sharp blade.” She raised an eyebrow. “There’s also a chance you’ll catch tetanus.”

I ignored the dramatic threat, although, I had no doubt she meant it. Ronnie Calley didn’t make idle threats.

“I’m not going to hurt her,” I said sincerely.

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