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Off Limits (Kings of Mayhem MC 5)

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“I’m going to go, give you and Chastity some alone time. Apparently, there’s some talk about a fucking wedding you two are going to have.”

Behind him, Chastity started to laugh through her tears.

My eyes met his, and when he gave me a nod, I realized it was his nod of approval.

“Try to stay out of trouble while you’re in here,” he said. Then leaning down, he whispered in my ear, “And remember, if you hurt her I will kill you.”

But as he straightened, the fucker winked at me before he turned away and walked out the door.

If I wasn’t in so much goddamn pain, I would smile.

Because Hell just froze over.


Three months later

The crowd cheered as I leaned in and kissed my husband on the lips. Wolf whistles rippled through the late afternoon air, followed by clapping and loud cries of congratulations.

Pulling away, I looked up at Ruger and felt my heart twist with the intense love I felt every single time I looked at him. He was my husband now, and I was so batshit crazy for him I couldn’t get the stupid grin off my face.

We were down by the river, near the clubhouse. The entire club and their loved ones had joined us in a beautiful grassy copse near the riverbank to watch us exchange our vows. It was a simple, no-fuss wedding. I had no bridesmaids and Ruger had no groomsmen. It was just the two of us standing before all of our friends and family as we became man and wife.

My uncle came up to us smiled. He patted Ruger on the back. “Welcome to the family, brother.”

It made my heart squeeze with affection. Bull had come a long way in accepting our relationship. Only a few months ago, he wanted to murder Ruger for falling in love with me. But now even he couldn’t deny what we had. One thing was for certain. We were meant for each other and no amount of craziness was ever going to come between us again.

After being released from a three-week stay in the hospital, Ruger had focused on getting his strength back and spent more time in rehabilitation and physical therapy than doing club business. But a month ago, he had resumed his position as the Kings of Mayhem sergeant-at-arms while I started work as an EMT at the same hospital where Indy worked as a doctor. I had nailed my final exams, especially biology, because I had the best damned study partner in the world.

And now I was married to him.

Gimmel Martel left town. I didn’t know the full story but apparently the Kings of Mayhem had parked one of his trucks amongst his grapevines and set fire to it. The flames had spread to the entire vineyard and Eagle’s Nest had burned to the ground. It was the reason Martel had sent four gunmen to Cassidy and Chance’s wedding. It was payback.

I didn’t know how Bull had retaliated. But I knew he would have. And I wasn’t naïve to think that it was over. There was a war brewing, I had been around the club long enough to recognize when something big was about to happen.

It was the biker way of life.

But I refused to think about it. I had learned a long time ago not to worry about things before they happened. Even though my husband would be in the line of fire because of the position he held within the club, I was a queen. I would take our future as it came and face it like one.

As I ate wedding cake and stood with Honey and a now very pregnant Indy, Ruger came up and brushed a kiss across my shoulder.

“Let me steal you away for a moment,” he whispered in my ear.

A secret thrill shot up my spine. The huskiness in his voice was a promise of some amazing sex to come.

And I couldn’t wait to make love to him as my husband.

He took me by the hand and led me away from the celebrations and up a grassy knoll leading to the clubhouse.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“It suddenly occurred to me that I never fucked you in my bedroom at the clubhouse.”

I couldn’t help but smile. I loved the way his mind worked. “That is true.”

“And it seems somewhat rude of me not to.”

“Again, that is true.”

He paused to kiss me. “I think it’s time we remedy that, what do you think?”

I looked at him through my lashes. “I think we’re wasting time standing here talking about it.”

He grinned and pulled me up the grassy slope and across the parking lot.

Inside the clubhouse, a few people lingered at the bar, but we ignored them as we raced for his bedroom. Next week, he would give it up. It was his choice. He never used it anymore and said he had no desire to sleep anywhere but in our bed, next to me.

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