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His Love

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Swallowing heavily, slowly I changed my shoes, putting on a different pair of slippers as Miss Lane called us to order once more.

“One, two, three, one, two, three,” she chanted, leading the dancers through warm-ups as the piano plunked away. My muscles did all the motions, blood circulating normally, but my head was in the clouds. Because despite my best efforts, I couldn’t focus. Luke Lyons’s face kept reappearing in front of my eyes, distracting me from what I loved most in the world.

Kitty, came the voice in my head. You have to stop this. You can’t let a man hold you back from your dreams. You have to focus, focus, focus. You have a scholarship and it’s not going to last forever.

Right. So I pushed the distractions out of the way and danced, putting my all into the practice session.

But when we finally stopped for a break, I was never so grateful. Retreating into a corner, I grabbed my water bottle, taking a sip as Miss Lane walked over. Oh god, what was she going to say? That I’d acted really weird during this morning’s performance? That my warm-up moves were off, my body disconnected from my head? Ballet teachers don’t hesitate to chew you out, even if it’s in front of the crowd. Cowering inside, I waited for the hail of words to descend.

But instead, Miss Lane’s expression was curiously neutral, her voice detached.

“Kitty,” she murmured. “Mr. Lyons has asked to see you in his office this afternoon.”

I stared at her blankly.

“I’m sorry?”

“You heard me. Mr. Lyons has specifically requested a meeting with you. Three p.m.,” she said blandly. “I trust you know where his office is? Don’t be late.”

And with that, the woman glided away, leaving me dumbfounded. Why would the billionaire want to see me? Why would he want to talk with a girl who’d just joined his troupe not three months ago? I was nothing. I was less than a dust mite, just a shadow in the wings.

But then again, maybe he had felt it. Maybe it hadn’t been my imagination. Those blue eyes had seared my body, touching everywhere while caressing my belly, my nipples, and that sweet space between my thighs. Maybe, just maybe, Mr. Lyons had felt the magic … and suddenly, I couldn’t wait to find out.



Who had that girl been? The curvy one, the one with the ripe tits and soft, plush ass? Because most of the girls in the troupe are undersize. They’re gristly and sinewy, like a chicken soaking wet. Don’t get me wrong because these chicks can kick holes in fences. They’re endurance athletes. But ballet favors a certain body type, and that’s scrawny.

It’s too bad because I hate skeletons with spindly legs and bony arms. Sure, I appreciate dance but does it always have to be performed by ballerinas who weigh no more than eighty pounds wet? What happened to soft, plush girls with sweet smiles and lush curves? That’s what I like.

As a result, the girl this morning caught my eye not just because she had a body unlike the others, but because she danced with an energy all her own. The brunette threw herself into the music, swaying this way and that, arching beautifully. She was a prima ballerina in the making.

Sure, she was doing all the same moves as the other girls because they were performing a routine. But this female stood out. The way her body arced and curved gave her a magical aura.

And shit, but I ate it up. It’s been a long time since I saw something this amazing. It’s been a long time since any dancer has made my body and soul come awake. But this female did it, and when those big brown eyes met mine a few times during the routine, the contact was electric. The air sizzled between us. You could almost smell the burn, and sense that something incredible was going to happen.

So I did what I often do, and put in a request to speak with our new charge in private. Miss Lane’s expression didn’t change as I gave the order.

“That one,” I said, nodding my chin at the curvy brunette. “Tell her to come by my office later.”

Miss Lane gave a slight nod of her head.

“Of course, Mr. Lyons,” she said deferentially. “I’ll let Kitty know,” she said, before turning away. “Girls! Girls!” she clapped her hands. “Break is over, let’s get started!”

And making my way out the studio, I turned once more at the door. Sure enough, that beautiful female was staring at me, her brown eyes wide, before looking away quickly, a flush rising to her cheeks. Shit, she was gorgeous. Those huge tits were barely encased in a pink leotard, her tights smoothed over luscious, thick thighs, complete with a bouncy ass. I couldn’t wait to see her bounce her up and down for fun, her mouth open with ecstasy.

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