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Only One Night - The Fusion Universe

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When my father called, ordering me home, I knew I couldn’t refuse. And that left me with nothing more than a pile of regret. My boyfriend at the time had tried calling, Mia tried calling, but I couldn’t explain that I was summoned by a man who wanted to marry me off.

“Hi, would you like a table?” One of the waitresses smiles over at me as I glance around, looking for an empty table.

“I was wondering if Mia was in?”

“She is. At the moment, she’s busy in the kitchen, but if you take a seat, I can get her for you.” I nod, and she leaves me to settle myself at the two-seater that I find vacated by the patrons who’ve just paid. It’s bustling, and I realize I’ve come at the wrong time. I should’ve waited until after the lunch rush.

Pulling out my cell phone, I notice the time—almost two—, and I hope that it will ease up soon so Mia and I can have a catch-up. If I’m going to be staying, I’d like to apologize to her for my disappearing act. For just walking out and not telling her where I was.

“Elisabet?” My name is a question on her lips. When I glance up, I recognize her immediately. She hasn’t changed much. I smile, matching hers as she nears me. “I can’t believe it. This is such a surprise.” Mia pulls me in for a hug, and my chest aches when I recall all the nights we spent eating pizza and drinking wine.

Those are memories that kept me going, that pushed me to open my first bakery back in New York. When we break our hold on each other, Mia’s hands grip my shoulders as she holds me steady.

“What are you doing here?” she asks, slipping into the chair opposite mine. The waitress appears before I can speak, and Mia orders us both a coffee. Once we’re alone, I know I need to explain.

“I’m hoping to stay here. I . . . I wanted to apologize,” I tell her, meeting her gaze. “I shouldn’t have run off without a word, but . . . My family, well, my father was being a tyrant. And it’s such a long story, and I don’t want to keep you. I know you’re busy. We’ll talk in more detail, but I just wanted to pop in and see you. I wanted to tell you that I’m here. I’m looking at buying a restaurant on the other side of town and turning it into a bakery.”

“So, you’re putting down some roots?” she questions with a bright smile that lights up her face. She looks incredible.

“I’m hoping to.” It’s true. I’d really love to finally have a home.

“That’s amazing. It would be so good to really catch up with you. I’m married now, but Camden wouldn’t mind if we had a girl’s night just like old times. He can watch the kids.”

My chest tightens at the mention of marriage and children. It’s something I didn’t ever think I’d have, and even now, I don’t believe it’s possible.

“I’m so happy for you!” I offer her a smile because I truly am happy for her. “I can’t believe we’re both all grown up.”

“I can’t believe Camden and I finally got back together,” she tells me, lowering her voice to a whisper. “It was a long road.”

“Is that the guy you ended up living with?” I ask. I remember when Mia told me about her roommate, who she had a crush on. They were friends until they became a little more than friends. And that was just before I left.

“One and the same,” she laughs, shaking her head. “I have so much to tell you. After you left, I focused on finishing my studies, but Camden and I had become so much more. Only . . .” She allows the words to filter off into silence as our drinks arrive.

The moment the waitress is gone, I look at her. “Only?”

“We had a pregnancy scare. Well, not scare, but I was late, and we ended up married. Camden said it was the best thing to do, only I thought he was saying it to be a gentleman, not realizing he actually did love me.”

“Oh my God, are you serious?”

With a laugh, she nods. “Oh yeah, we got married. When I managed to see the doctor and found out it was a false positive, I packed my bags and left while he was at work.”

That has me shaking my head. “Are you taking a page from my book?” I question, picking up the mug and taking a sip while Mia rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, I did. I figured, if you could do it, so can I.”

“But you’re married now?”

“We are. It all happened when he was in town for the cooking show we did, and being near him again, I knew I couldn’t resist his charm. Even though I tried.”

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