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While She Sleeps

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“You do realize that all this bullshit isn’t going to work with me. Right?”

He doesn’t respond, but he takes steps toward me, closing the distance, and he dwarfs my tiny frame until I’m backed against the wall. His eyes glower down at me, and I have to tilt my head backward to meet that dark gaze.

“I don’t deal in bullshit. You’re here because it’s the only way to keep you safe. I don’t give a shit if you hate me, if you want to hit me, or if you scream at me, I’m not letting you go.”

“Safe from what?” I demand, hoping he has some way to explain himself. I know Herbert is out there, but since he hasn’t mentioned that asshole, I think it is something else.

“Nothing you should concern yourself with.”

“No. You’re not allowed to just tell me shit like that and walk away. What are you keeping me safe from? Because if you can’t tell me, then I know you’re lying.”

He sighs, and I wonder if he’s annoyed with me. Perhaps he’s second-guessing his choice to kidnap me and keep me in the middle of nowhere.

“Where are we anyway?”

“We’re safe,” he tells me. “Do you remember anything about the contract your father signed?”

His question stills me. Surely, he’s not working for his father. If he was, he would’ve taken me there already. Logan watches me, waiting for a response. His eyes are piercing as he regards me. Do I tell him what I know? Or is he trying to steal information to use against me later?

“If you don’t tell me, I’ll find out for myself. I have friends in high places, Beauty,” he offers, settling on the mattress, causing me to turn around and face him.

“Tell me about this war first,” I respond, needing more information before I offer him everything I know about the man who wants me dead.

“My father is one of the most dangerous men in Chicago,” Logan starts, and I nod because I know this already. I grew up hearing rumors about the king of the crime world. “He’s wanted by people who would like nothing more than to see him falter. And I’m one of them.”

“But don’t you work for him?”

Logan shakes his head. “Not anymore, I didn’t want that life. And no, I’m not the best person to be keeping you safe since my father’s has connections, but I’m not letting him put his hands on you. It’s . . .” His voice trails off, leaving silence in its wake.

“It’s…?” I urge. “Logan, if you’re not going to tell me, then you have to let me leave. I can’t stay here. I have a life.”

“You don’t have a life out there. You’re hiding out from Herbert. Being here, you’ll be out of his line of fire.”

“How do you know?” I cross my arms in front of my chest. “Let me go. Please?”

“No.” He’s on his feet, anger surging through him. He saunters to the door, twisting the handle and tugging it open. Soon enough, he’s on the other side of the entrance. “Why can’t you let me make this right?”

Frustration ebbs through me, flowing like a gushing river, and I can’t stop the words from falling from my mouth. “Because you can’t!”

He doesn’t say a word. Just watches me for a long moment before he nods slowly, then shuts the door. I race toward it, slamming my palms against the wood, but I know he won’t open it again.

I’m tired, hungry, and I feel hungover. I would love a bath or shower, just something that will calm me down, but I’m left alone in the room, and I don’t know how long he’s going to be gone this time.

I hear a car door slam, which has me racing for the window. I watch as Logan pulls away from the cabin in a blacked-out Range Rover. “Fuck!” My voice is hoarse, my throat burning as I stare at the dust the wheels kick up as he makes his way down the dirt road between the trees.

I’m alone, and I have no way of getting out of here.



She’s a fucking little brat.

Shaking my head, I pull up to the general store and get out of the vehicle. I’m still shaking, ready to put her over my lap and spank her pert little ass. But that’s only going to make matters worse. I need to know more about her time with my father, but she doesn’t trust me, not yet.

When I enter the store, the cashier looks up and smiles. She’s been here every day since I moved up to the cabin. Thankfully, with the town being so small, it’s quiet, and I can get feminine products, along with some soda, bread, and even some candy for Vera.

I didn’t prepare to have her cooped up in my cabin for the unforeseeable future, but since she’s acting like a brat, I’m going to have to ensure she has everything she needs. Once I’ve paid, I’m back in the truck in minutes.

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