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While She Sleeps

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“I will never be like you.”

“You already are.” His voice drips with satisfaction. “Look at her, son. Really take her in, so helpless. Her body is yours, a toy to revel in while she sleeps. That’s what you are, an Oakridge. It’s in our blood to crave darkness.”

I fist my free hand, the nails digging into the fleshy palm. Pain skitters up my arm, but as much as I fight it, as much as I want to deny it, my father is right. It is in my veins, and I don’t know how to get it out.

“The more you fight it, the more violent it gets.” Those are the last words he speaks to me before he hangs up, leaving me in the darkness with Vera. While she sleeps, I battle with myself, and it’s a war I’m slowly losing with every minute that passes.

What if he’s right about the violence?

What if I can’t stop myself and hurt her?

“No,” I tell myself. “I’m not him. I’ll never be him.” I turn away from Vera, my gaze locked on the window, taking in the city below. It’s been so long since I stepped foot in Chicago it looks foreign to me. The lights glitter in the darkness, and from so high up, the cars look like toys, racing from point A to point B.

My hand instinctively moves to my cock, the hardness still straining the front of my jeans. I glance over my shoulder, looking once more at the girl I’ve fallen for. I knew I loved her before, but this is something more. It’s become all-consuming.

My feet move on their own accord. I’m at the bed in seconds, leaning over her, looking directly at the way her chest rises and falls. How her breasts look mouthwatering. The yearning that courses through me has my body shaking.

“I want you, so fucking much,” I tell her. The silence that responds is ear-piercing. It’s wrong. So fucking wrong, but I can’t stop my hand from moving to her lips. I swipe my finger over the plump bottom one.

Moving over Vera, I hover along her body, my cock aching and throbbing against the apex of her thighs. It would be so easy just to feel her, to press myself against her, harder and faster. But I don’t. I focus on my mouth molding over hers. A soft whimper tumbles from her when I kiss her.

My eyes snap open, taking her in. She’s still asleep, she’s not moving, but when my tongue darts along her lips, tasting her flavor, she moans once more. It’s a soft, gentle sound, but I hear it.

Her fingers jolt, and the moment I’m convinced she’s waking up, no more movements come. I wait for a long time, just watching her, but there are no more signs of her being aware of what’s going on, of what I’m doing to her.

I lean in closer, listening to her breaths, and I whisper in her ear, “You don’t know how difficult it is for me not to fuck you right now.” I trail my hand down her body, remembering the day she role-played for me, lying on my bed, pretending to be asleep. When I felt her body limp, as she tried to feed the hungry beast that resides within me. She gave me that. Something no other woman has ever given me.

“I love you.” My words are a whisper, skittering along the smooth, creamy flesh of her cheek. “I’ve fallen in love with my Sleeping Beauty, and I don’t know if I can ever let you go. My inner demons want so much to play with yours,” I tell her. “They want to devour you just like this.”

A soft murmur tumbles freely from her parted lips. “Please.” It’s barely audible, and for a moment, I am convinced I imagined it. Perhaps the drugs are wearing off. Maybe she can hear me. My hand moves between us, and I press two fingers against her pussy. Her heat is scorching. The shorts she’s wearing are tight against her mound, and I circle her clit through the material.

Her body jolts at the contact, but I don’t stop. I can’t. Another moan slips free from her, and I continue my ministrations until I feel her wetness seeping through the clothing. My fingers would be drenched if I slipped my hand into her panties, but instead of doing that, I focus on her.

The soft tremble that shoots through her suddenly causes me to still all movement. She’s silent, but her hands are shaking, her lashes are fluttering wildly, and I can see movement behind her eyelids.

I push on, teasing her pussy until I see the corner of her mouth tilting. Her lashes dance along her cheeks, which are now turning a soft pinkish shade. My cock is fighting its way through my jeans, the zipper almost painfully pressing against the shaft.

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