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While She Sleeps

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Dax, Kael, and Axel are seated in the club when Vera and I enter. There’s a girl on stage practicing her pole dancing, but none of the men are looking at her. I know they’re all taken, and so am I, but I don’t know how Dax runs this place with that going on every day. I guess having Theia, his submissive, around does distract him from the lure.

“Hey, man,” Dax greets me, offering a hand, which I grab and shake. “And this is the beautiful Vera,” he says, looking over to my girl.

“Hi, nice to meet you,” she responds shyly. That’s what I love about her. Even though she can sass me, her sweet, submissive nature comes through when she’s beside me.

“Nice to meet you finally. Didn’t realize this asshole was capable of love,” Dax taunts, which earns him a punch in the shoulder from me. “Just stating facts.” He ushers us to a table where Axel and Kael offer up a wave to Vera and me.

“So,” I start as I settle into the chair. “I need to get this shit done and dusted. He has that contract that states her dad has signed over our first-born son, should we have one, to Herbert Oakridge. My father is a fucking monster.”

“My men have looked it over. Don’t worry about that. What we did find, which will help us, is a shit-ton of his communication to underground organizations. Embezzling money, but also trading in weapons to Russia and Germany. Not sure what else they can dig up if they go in deeper,” Dax tells me. “We can take him down just with that information alone.”

“I’ll just walk into his office and kill the arsehole,” Axel chuckles, leaning forward as he picks up his beer and swigs the cool liquid.

“It’s not that easy. If anything were to happen to him, I would be the first in line to take over, as well as the first person they’d come to as a suspect.”

“Why?” This comes from Kael, who’s leaning back in his chair. He looks as relaxed as if he were on the beach.

“There’s a clause in my father’s will. If anything were to happen to him that wasn’t natural causes, there must be an investigation. Me first, then my mother. We’re both on the list as the first people to point fingers at.”

“Fuck,” Axel curses as he drinks his beer, his gaze trailing the club, but focusing back on me. “What about if we did it silently? Send him away on vacation,” he says, the last word in air quotes. I like his suggestion, but it’s not going to work. My father’s clever. He’ll have men watching every move we make.

“If it were that easy, I would’ve done it ages ago,” I inform them. My phone rings before I have time to continue. I pull it out, finding my father’s name glaring at me. I consider not answering but realize if he’s up to something, perhaps I can drag it out of him. Pressing the device to my ear, I answer, “Nice to hear from you.” Sarcasm drips from my tone.

“I’d like to set up a meeting. You, me, and Vera. We’ll sort this out like a family.”

“And what makes you think a family with you is what I want?” I challenge, poking the bear, which I know is a bad idea.

“My suggestion would be to come here and listen to me. If Vera would like to see her father again, you’ll agree to my terms. I’m willing to work on this with you, Logan.” The tone of his voice is so cold I can’t help but shiver at the implication of him killing Vera’s father, his best friend. Or at least former best friend.

“Fine. We’ll be there.” I hang up, my gaze taking in Vera, who’s staring at me wide-eyed. “He wants to see us both. If I can get him to back down, it will give us time for Dax to get in touch with his contacts.” Even though I’m connected, most of the men I know get paid by my father, and they’ll never go against him.

“Are you sure you want to go in there?” Dax leans forward, his elbows on the table as he regards me. The man is big, as tall as I am, and just as broad shouldered. He looks strange, sitting at a table so small.

“I have to. If I don’t, he’ll come after Vera again, and I can’t let her get hurt.”

Vera’s soft voice breaks between us. “What if he does something to me while we’re there?”

I glance at her before answering, “Then I’ll take the fucker out in his own home.” Pushing off the chair, Dax rises with me, offering his hand. I take it and shake, knowing he would be there if need be.

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