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Outsider (Exodus End 2)

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“I’ve had all my clothes for a really long time. Over ten years. I’ve been really chesty since I was in junior high and haven’t changed shape much since. We bought shirts several sizes too big and took in the waist, shoulders and arms so they’d fit me right. Well, I didn’t. I’m terrible at sewing.”

“We?” Myrna asked.

“Me and my dad.” Toni flushed and glanced down at her boobs spilling over the cups of her black bra. “He did all the sewing.”

“Your father sewed clothes for you?” Jessica said, her eyes brimming with tears. Reagan searched her pocket for a tissue, but came up empty-handed. Rebekah came to the rescue with one from her purse.

“You’re not actually going to cry over that, are you?” Reagan asked.

“It’s just so sweet,” Jessica said, dabbing at her eyes with the tissue. “No

ne of my stepfathers would have done anything like that for me.”

Toni’s cheeks had gone pink. “I think maybe he was trying to keep the boys away by selecting clothes that were um . . . outdated. Ugly.”

“Conservative,” Myrna said, holding up Toni’s discarded blouse by the shoulders.

“Conservative,” Toni agreed.

Reagan winked and said, “It’s a good thing Logan got you out of those clothes so quickly. Once he saw what was underneath, he was a complete goner.”

Toni laughed. “I wasn’t about to turn down the opportunity to finally lose my virginity.”

The revelation wasn’t news to Reagan—Toni had told her that Logan had claimed her virginity within an hour of meeting her—but the other women in their group were outraged.

From Aggie’s “I’ll tie his dick in a knot” to Myrna’s “It’s the rockstar thing, isn’t it?” to Rebekah’s “Did he take advantage of you?” and Jessica’s “Men can be such pigs,” Toni defended Logan.

“He didn’t take advantage of me,” Toni said. “I wanted it to happen, and he felt so bad about it afterward because he wasn’t aware that I was that inexperienced. He’s really good to me.”

The women went off again, talking over one another. Reagan stepped back to watch.

Aggie said, “He’d better be good to you, or he’ll answer to me.”

Myrna tapped her lip, her gaze shifting toward the ceiling, and asked, “So you would have succumbed that easily to any man you found attractive? Or was it the rockstar thing?”

“He seems like such a nice guy once you get to know him,” Rebekah said.

Jessica delivered her criticism with waving arms. “Can’t you see that he did take advantage of you? He’s a pig, I tell you.”

Toni’s lips drew into a harsher and harsher line as she struggled to find her voice.

“Does it matter how they got together?” Reagan asked, giving Toni a playful shove. “The man is obsessively in love with her now.”

Toni’s face relaxed, and she beamed with happiness. If the others had further criticisms or concerns, they kept their comments and prying questions to themselves. Toni was obviously as happy with Logan as he was with her. So what if they’d gone through the normal get-to-know-each-other, forge-a-relationship, and have-copious-amounts-of-lust-fueled-sex progression entirely backwards?

Toni purchased a couple of pairs of jeans and a pair of the gaudiest tube socks Reagan had ever seen, but she didn’t buy any tops, because not a single one fit her. The group stopped at several other stores with the same results. No wonder the poor woman had such an unflattering wardrobe. Everything she tried on either clung, gaped, hung completely wrong, or made her look like she was trying to get a job at Hooters.

“It’s hopeless,” she said after taking off the third sweater she’d stretched out of proportion at an exclusive boutique.

“I’m not quite as chesty as you are,” Aggie said, laying a comforting hand on the small of Toni’s back, “but I get it. Clothes never fit me quite right either. Let’s try a plus-size store. I’m pretty good with a needle. If we need to make alterations, I’ll help you out.”

“You will?” Toni blinked back tears and instantly found herself enveloped in a hug from the badass dominatrix who made grown men tremble.

“Aggie’s such a softie,” Jessica said, as she dabbed at her eyes with her soggy tissue. “She was the same with me when I started stripping at Paradise Found.”

“I heard that, kitten,” Aggie said sternly.

“She’s soft with Jace too,” Rebekah said, with a crooked grin. “When she isn’t lashing him with a whip.”

Toni went white and tugged away from Aggie to meet her eyes. “You don’t really hit him, do you?”

Aggie pushed open the door of another shop. “Only if he begs nicely,” she said over her shoulder.

Toni had better luck covering her boobs at the plus-size store, but everything hung loosely on her arms and billowed around her waist like shapeless tents.

“We’ll fix it,” Aggie promised, standing behind Toni and tugging the back of a blue flowing top tight against Toni’s slender waist.

“Maybe a belt will help for now,” Myrna said, cocking her head.

“Please, no,” Aggie said. “We’re not trying to make her look like a time traveler from 1985.”

“Ah, the good ol’ days,” Myrna said with a sigh.

While Aggie and Toni decided which tops would be best for altering, Reagan parked her butt on a bench and dug out her phone. She sent a group text to Trey and Ethan. It was more likely that Trey would answer—of the two he was much more dependent on his phone—but she didn’t want Ethan to feel like an afterthought.

I think we finally found a solution to Toni’s wardrobe situation. What are you guys up to?

When neither man responded right away, she checked her email. A bunch of forwarded fan mail made her smile. Exodus End’s manager had ordered his assistant to go through all the email on Reagan’s professional account and forward only complimentary messages to her personal account. It probably gave her a skewed perception about how many of Exodus End’s fans liked what she was doing. She couldn’t help but wonder how much hate mail she received but never got to read.

Her phone dinged as a text came in from Trey. It simply said 3.

3 what? she texted back.

3 orgasms each since you left. Thanks for the lube. The cherry was yummy.

She snorted and sent another text. Save some for me.

Too late. We used it all.

All? Surely he was joking. She should have stayed in bed that morning. Or sent Toni out with Aggie. The pair were doing fine without her assistance. But Toni barely knew the other women, so it wouldn’t have been right to dump her. Ah well, no matter what Trey claimed, Reagan knew both men would be willing to please her when she saw them later.

I’ll stop by the store and get some more. This time don’t use it all before I get home.

I’m just messing with you. We haven’t had sex since you left. We’re hanging out with the guys in Sed’s room. Why does the lead singer always get the best room?

When she returned to the hotel, Reagan would have to check to see if Max got superior accommodations. She had no idea if his room was better than hers.

She grinned as she thumbed in her next message. They need extra space for their enormous egos.

LOL! Good call. You’d better get back to pretending you’re a real girl now.

She laughed softly. He knew her too well. Shopping so wasn’t her thing. She’d much rather be hanging with the guys.

You know I’m a real girl, she texted. You’ve seen the proof.

Tasted it too.

Reagan glanced up when several sets of feet stopped in front of her. Her party had collected themselves back into a group and was ready to leave.

Love you both.

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