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A Wicked Song (Brilliance Trilogy 2)

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“Better spot to take my shot,” Adrian says. “And you know, everyone hates a redneck until the zombie apocalypse.”

Some might not think their arguing is professional, but to me, I approve. They feel human. They feel real. They feel like people who see people.

Their banter continues right up until we arrive at our destination, which is the same restaurant where I’d charged up to Mark’s table, and first met Kace. “I’ll follow you in and sit at the bar,” Savage tells us just before we enter the restaurant, which only serves to set me on edge.

The minute Kace and I are past the door, I pull him to the side in front of an empty bench. “What don’t I know?”

“What are you talking about, baby?”

“Why do we need Savage so close that he’s in the restaurant during our lunch?”

“Until we get Gio back home safely, Walker is operating on high alert.”

Until we get Gio home safely.

Never has anyone appreciated optimism the way I do in this man. “You’re sure?”



“You sure?”

I smile. “Yes. I’m sure.”

“Okay then. Then let’s go lunch with the master himself.”

I blink. “The master? Please tell me he doesn’t make people call him that. Please tell me he doesn’t make Crystal call him that.”

“That’s a story for later, but let’s just say, he lives to be master of all. You get used to it.”

He steps to the hostess stand, and I’m hanging back a few steps, but not so far that I miss the way the pretty blonde hostess does a double-take over Kace and then gives him bedroom eyes. Unbidden, there’s a sharp pinch in my chest. Kace seems to sense my reaction, and he immediately reaches for me, wraps his arm around me, and scoops me nice and close. Somehow the woman manages to speak without biting her tongue. “Mr. and Mrs. Compton are already at their table.”

“Where?” Kace asks.

“Rear booth, by the bar. I can take you.”

“We’ll find our own way,” Kace says, turning us toward the dining room and leaning in close to whisper. “Brunettes have more fun. As in us.”

My smile is instant and it’s lingering as we approach Mark and Crystal. Giving me yet another reason to hold onto that smile, the minute Crystal spies us, she pops to her feet. The next thing I know, she’s hugging me. “So glad we’re doing this,” she says. “I’m excited to talk to you about some ideas.”

She’s in a pink dress and smells like amber and vanilla and new friendship. My life is filled with new and good, but I don’t want any of this without my brother.

I shove aside the pinch in my chest and focus on the here and now. We all claim our seats and Kace immediately settles his hand on my leg, a dart of heat sliding up my thigh. Mark, of course, chooses that moment, to greet me with, “Ms. Alard,” in his precise, judgmental way.

“Aria, Mark,” Crystal scolds. “She’s Aria.”

Kace laughs and leans in my direction to say, “They really are the beauty and the beast, don’t you think?”

I laugh now, too, and do so despite Mark’s cutting gray stare. “I do actually,” I dare.

Crystal grins and tilts her chin up to look at Mark. “You’re the beast.”

“I would agree,” he replies, and his tone is dry but as he glances down at her for just a moment, I spy the tenderness in his eyes. He loves her. The beast has a heart, I decide right then. And of course, he must. He supports the charity work Kace and Chris do.

A waiter appears and with little debate, a wine is chosen and glasses are filled. Mark and Kace then begin talking about the earnings for the last charity auction. Crystal leans in closer to me and wiggles a brow, her gaze flicking to Kace and back. “How’s it going?”

“Why, what do you mean?” I tease coyly.

Satisfaction etches her lovely face. “I knew it,” she says as if I’ve just told her I was marrying Kace, which is a crazy thought that comes out of nowhere. And his hand on my leg, I think. His touch is like a drug.

“Oh,” Crystal says, straightening. “I want to give you this before I forget.” She reaches into her purse and slides a piece of paper across to me. “Those are the wines I have to offer right now and a few I could get if you have a buyer. I’ve listed the prices we’d like to get to keep them off the auction block.”

I scan the list, excited about the offers. Even if Ed won’t agree to a retainer, there’s enough money here to help with Walker Security fees and carry me for a few months. Well, depending on the fee agreement with Riptide. I’m about to ask when Mark interjects. “Will we be seeing you in California, Ms. Alard?” Mark asks.

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