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Savage Hunger (Savage Trilogy 1)

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“It’s been a long day,” Gabriel says, sounding weary. “The threat that came in seems to have amounted to nothing, but we’re all here, and the governor wants us to use this as an opportunity for future readiness.”

“That seems smart,” I say tightly. “Anything you need for me to do here?”

“Just keep being you, honey. How do you feel?”

“Still not grand, but better than last night. It might be good you’re gone. It would suck for you to catch this while you’re trying to make the world a better place.”

“We’re going to make the world a better place. You and me together. Get some rest. I’ll check on you in the morning.”

“When do you think you’ll be back?”

“Probably not until at least Tuesday,” he says. “I’ll let you know. Too long,” he adds, softening his voice. “I need to be inside you right now.”

My cheeks heat with the idea that Rick is watching me when another man speaks to me in such a way, which feeds my awkward response. “That wouldn’t be a good idea considering my present state of health.”

“Right,” Gabriel says. “Rest. Night.” He hangs up.

I lower the phone from my ear.

“What would not be good?” Rick demands, now sitting in the chair by the fireplace again.

I don’t look at him. I swallow hard and set my phone down on the table, next to that bag of Cheetos. “He won’t be back until Tuesday.”

“What the fuck did he say to you, Candace?” Rick snaps.

I force my gaze to his burning blue stare. “It’s a game I’m playing, Rick.”

“Fuck the game and all of this Walker ethics bullshit,” he growls. “I really do need to just kill that motherfucker.” He scrubs his jaw, hands settling on his knees before he stands up, and stalks into the kitchen.

Adam starts to get up. I hold up a hand. “I need to talk to him alone.”

He nods, but I’m already on my feet, already walking. I find Rick leaning on the counter, his muscular arms crossed in front of his broad chest, that Beret tattoo peeking from under his sleeve, his blue eyes darn near black with anger. And I get it. The idea of him with another woman has destroyed me many a time over the years.

I close the space between us and step in front of him, my hands settling on his arms. “What do you want me to do?”

His lashes lower, his expression all hard lines and shadows, as he murmurs, “I don’t fucking know.”

“We have to talk about this. We need a plan that we both can live with.”

His hands come down on my waist and he pulls me to him. “What did he say to you?”

“I’m not telling you that.”

“Did he tell you where he wanted his tongue? Or was it his cock?”

“Stop,” I bite out. “Stop doing that. It isn’t helping us.”

His forehead lowers to mine and he breathes out. “I know you don’t know this, but leaving you was hell. Coming back to you wearing another man’s ring, ten times worse.” Emotion roughens up his voice.

My hand settles on the rough stubble along his jawline. “I don’t want him. I want you. Last night—”

“I know. I fucked up.” He pulls back to look at me. “We need to get rid of Gabriel.”

“We need to reach my father,” I say. “He might have the evidence against him we need. Wait. I should go to my father’s office and search there. I have clearance because of my military contracts.”

“Are you working on a project at Fort Sam?”

“No, but—”

“Then you can’t be seen there without him present. It’ll look suspicious. But you’re right. We need to search his office. I can go.”

“How can you go? You don’t have clearance.”

“My father. I’ll meet him there.”

“No,” I say quickly. “No, Rick. That’s nothing but trouble waiting to happen. Please.” My hope starts to tilt, a ship in the ocean sinking quickly in the abyss. “He affects you. He affects us.”

“He won’t affect us.” He strokes my hair behind my ear. “I’m not the man I was when I left.” He pulls me closer and kisses me. “I need to do this for me and for us. And it makes sense that your father would keep anything he has on Gabriel in his office.”

“If I need to put the ring back on, I will. It means nothing.”

“Except that he has the right to fuck you? No. He’s not fucking you. He’s not kissing you. He’s not putting his piece of shit hands on you. I’m going to search the office. And one way or another, I will be returning that ring to Gabriel and personally shoving it up his ass.”

“I have to protect my father.”

“We have to protect your father. And that’s exactly what I’m doing by acting now, not later.” He kisses me and sets me away from him, before walking toward the living room.

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