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Velvet Fire - Ashby Crime Family Romance

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The bastard smirked, probably because he needed to put on a show for his people, but I saw the caution in his eyes.

“You and what army? That pretty little thing you were all wrapped around earlier?”

He thought he could get a rise out of me by mentioning Maisie, but growing up the way we had, we learned to keep our emotions in check.

“Try me and you’ll find out sooner rather than later.”

“I know what he’s gonna do.” Brendan smiled and flung an arm around a shoulder of two different junkie bitches. “He’ll sic the cops on us. Again.”

Now it was my turn to smile. “If your family is too damn stupid to stay clear of the cops, maybe you should go back to turning tricks like ol’ Mrs. Rhymer.” It was no secret that Brendan and Savannah’s mother was a whore who’d turned old Ronan’s head back in the day and became his wife, giving him two kids before she was found dead in the family swimming pool.

The reminder of dear old mom pissed him off good. “What the fuck did you say?”

“I said maybe you and your precious bitch of a sister might warm up your jaws so you can suck cock for money. You know, your family business.”

Brendan was so pissed he didn’t bother to think before he leapt forward, lunging at me with hate and fire in his eyes. It was too bad for him, but the sickening crunch of the butt of my gun against his nose was satisfying.

So fucking satisfying.

“Son of a bitch!”

“Wrong,” I laughed. “You’re the son of a whore. Shit, how hard did I hit you?” I smiled down at Brendan, on his knees as blood spilled from his nose. “Leave now or security will close in and none of you will ever be seen again. Ever,” I barked and the women shuffled off as fast as their junkie legs would carry them in hooker heels.

Poe helped Brendan up off the ground and tugged him a few feet backward until he was steady on his feet. He pointed and glared at me.

“You don’t own this fucking town, Ashby.”

“Actually we do. But feel free to keep testing that theory.”

I waved at them both, flashing a wicked smile that sent Brendan stumbling backwards.

“See you soon, Rhymer. Real fucking soon.”

The two assholes took off, and I followed at a more sedate pace just to make sure they left and sent a text to two of my men to go after them just to make sure they crawled back to whatever hole they came from.

When I was sure Rhymer and crew were gone, I glanced around the grounds and up at The Tower in vain, knowing Maisie was long gone. And probably still pissed as hell. I’d make it up to her.


First, I needed to check in with Jasper and Sadie. See if I could get the greenlight to kill that motherfucker.


“What’s going on?” When I couldn’t find Jasper at Midnight Mass, I figured I’d find him at home. “Did I miss something?” Jasper and Sadie sat in the library, both of them with a tumbler of whiskey at their side even though they sat on opposite sides of the room.

“Virgil,” she smiled. “What are you doing home so early?” Ma was no good when she tried for innocent, and I was immediately on edge. Or maybe it was watching the way she expertly disassembled the handgun in front of her.

“I figured you were out. On the prowl.”

Yeah, that was exactly what I should have been doing instead of dealing with the fucking Crusaders.

“Rhymer was at The Tower tonight.” I gave them both a quick rundown of what happened. “Fucker accused us of using the cops to get at them,” I told them with a smile.

Jasper smiled and finished off his whiskey, standing to get another from the bar Ma kept near her desk. “Want something to drink?”

My night was fucked so I nodded my agreement. “Neat.”

“What happened with Rhymer?” That was Jasper, all business until business was settled.

“What happened was I cracked the fucker in the nose when he lunged at me. Only wish I could’ve put a bullet in him right there on The Tower grounds.”

It was only a matter of time, I knew that, but his timing really fucking sucked tonight.

Jasper handed me the glass tumbler and nodded. “When the time comes, Brendan is all yours.”

That was all I needed to hear.

“Good. Now, what the hell is going on in here?” It was never good news when Ma was drinking and taking apart a gun until it was nothing but small nondescript parts.

Sadie shrugged and a small, coy smile spread across her face.

“Nothing at all, just getting this piece ready for the weekly pick up.” To punctuate her words, she used her forearm to gather all the pieces into a black bag.

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