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Dom - Silver Saints MC

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“You found the witness?” Dom asked.

Hack flashed us a cocky grin as he nodded. “Damn straight. But I’m guessing the only way we’ll be able to get her to throw in with us is if we do our convincing in person.”

“Makes sense, considering it was a cop who convinced her to keep quiet in the first place,” Dom agreed.

“She’d be the perfect ally,” Hack added. “The statute of limitations hasn’t run out on the assault and sending the ex-girlfriend to jail when she was a victim would cause all sorts of problems if it came out.”

“Then we’re going to have to convince her. And the sooner, the better. Are you available to head out tomorrow?” Dom asked. “That should give me enough time to make sure Lucy is covered while I’m gone.”

It was difficult to wrap my head around how quickly everything was moving now that Hack had found someone who might help us. My whole life had changed for the better when I tried to steal Dom’s wallet, and he kept giving me more reasons to be grateful for being so desperate that day. “Assigning me a babysitter won’t be necessary.”

Dom stroked his hand down my back. “I’m glad you feel comfortable enough around here to hang out by yourself, but until you’re safe, I’m not leaving you alone.”

“I didn’t say anything about being alone,” I huffed, making Hack chuckle. It sounded like he was catching on faster than Dom to what I was suggesting. He circled his hand in the air, telling me without words to get on with it. Turning back to Dom, I explained, “I’m coming with you guys.”



“Like hell, you are,” I growled as I instinctively wrapped my arms tight around Lucy. Just the thought of her anywhere near that sick fuck had rage flowing through me, burning like lava in my veins. “Your ass is staying right here where I know you’ll be safe.”

Lucy wiggled around on my lap, trying to turn and face me, but I grabbed her hips to hold her still. She froze when she felt the hard ridge rapidly growing beneath her ass. After a beat, she cleared her throat and twisted her torso so she could look at me without moving her lower half. If I hadn’t been so pissed, I might have enjoyed the pink hue on her cheeks and the spark of desire in her bright blue eyes.

“How can I be safe if I’m not with you?”

I narrowed my eyes at the overly innocent expression on her face. “Are you trying to manipulate me, little doll?”

“Is it working?” she asked as she perked up.

Hack started laughing before I even answered her. “Fuck,” I muttered.

“Can’t do that if I’m not with you, either.” My eyebrows shot up at Lucy’s quip, and I almost smiled.

Hack was laughing so hard he practically fell over. I glared at him, promising retribution with my dark stare. The physical kind that would ruin his pretty face.

Lucy melted back and cuddled into me, further weakening my resolve to leave her at the clubhouse to be guarded. Steeling myself against her disappointment, and my blue balls, I shook my head. I stood with her cradled in my arms, then dropped her legs and let her slowly slide down my body. Her blue eyes heated, and I mumbled a string of curses under my breath.

“Come on.” I moved her to my side and curled my arm around her waist to lead her to the door. Hack had finally managed to get ahold of himself and he smirked as we passed by. My other arm shot out and landed a blow straight to his gut. Winded, he stumbled back a few steps but was still grinning like an idiot.

“That wasn’t very nice,” Lucy murmured as we exited the room and walked down the hall.

My tone was gruff when I replied, “He had it coming.”

“I did,” Hack wheezed from behind us.

When we reached the stairs, I gestured for Lucy to descend first and couldn’t help appreciating her fine ass all the way down. At the bottom, I grabbed her hand and started toward the president’s office. Mac was sitting at his desk with his feet on top crossed at the ankles, and his hands behind his head. He was smiling—an expression I’d rarely seen until he met his old lady, Bridgit—at Link, who was standing in front of the desk with his back to us. Dax and Scout were lounging in the chair beside him, also smiling affectionately at Link. The whole scene was weird for a second until I realized Link was holding his newborn son, and that was the reason for their dopey expressions.

I rapped on the door, and Mac waved me in as Link and Dax twisted to see who’d arrived. Dax grinned at Lucy and winked. I scowled at the bastard and tucked her into my side. Link was the first to comment on it, though.

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