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Dom - Silver Saints MC

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“Hospital?” Dom echoed. “Who got hurt?”

“Nobody.” Cat bounced up and down, clapping her hands together. “Harlowe had the baby, so the clubhouse will be pretty empty soon since most of us will clear out to go see how Link handled the whole giving birth thing and being a daddy.”

Dom’s grin widened, making him look even more attractive. “As much as I enjoy giving the old man a hard time, I’m going to stay behind and take care of Lucy. Take some pics for me.”

“Sure thing,” Cat agreed, giving us a little wave before she walked out of the room and shut the door behind her.

“C’mon, let’s get you fed.” Butterflies swarmed in my belly as Dom tugged me over to the couch. I had a feeling that pick-pocketing him was going to turn out to be the best decision I’d made.



While I sat on the couch watching Lucy devour the food Cat had brought, I slowly stewed inside. I didn’t like seeing proof that my girl had been going hungry. I hated the idea of her sleeping alone and unprotected in her car. But mostly, I wanted to hunt down and kill the motherfucker who had her scared and on the run. Even if it had sent her straight into my arms.

I was kinda shocked that all the feelings flooding my system didn’t scare me or make me want to hand this girl off to someone else to deal with. In fact, the idea of another man anywhere near her had homicidal thoughts filtering into my mind. But I’d watched Mac and then Link fall hard and fast for their women. It was obvious to me that Lucy was mine, and I was never letting her go. It might take some convincing on her part, but she’d come around eventually. I nearly grinned when I thought about how much fun it would be to sway her with endless, mind-blowing orgasms. Then an image of my woman wearing a vest that branded her as mine while rubbing her swollen belly flashed before my eyes. It was a brilliant idea. I’d knock her the fuck up and tie her to me permanently.

“Thank you. That was delicious.” Lucy’s soft comment broke into my thoughts and brought me back into the moment.

“Still hungry?” I asked gruffly. My voice was strained from the effort it was taking to keep from dragging her to the bed and starting on my plan right that instant. I didn’t want to frighten her any more than she already was.

She shook her head and smiled at me, lighting up her beautiful face and causing warmth to spread throughout my body. I studied her expression for a minute before I was satisfied that she was telling the truth. It also brought the dark circles under her eyes to my attention. I felt like a complete asshole for not realizing how damn tired she had to be.

I stood abruptly and stalked over to a desk, the only other furniture in the room besides the bed, couch, coffee table, and dresser. The drawer I opened squeaked as I yanked it out, and I dug through for a pen and paper before slamming it shut. Then I spun around and marched back to my little doll and shoved the items into her hands. “Write down everything you know about your neighbor and the son of a bitch who killed her. Everything.”

Confusion filled her eyes, and I knew I was being way too fucking gruff. I’d sensed that she’d started to become more relaxed with me, and if I didn’t get control of my anger…and my libido, I was going to lose any ground I’d gained with her. “Please, doll,” I added softly with a smile.

Pink spots appeared on her cheeks as her lips tipped up at the corners. “Okay.” She bent her head and started scribbling on the paper. While I waited, I sent a quick text to one of my brothers, an enforcer who was a genius with a computer. I told Hack to meet me in his room in thirty minutes because I wanted to get Lucy situated first.

It wasn’t long before Lucy was holding up the pen and paper to me. I took them and dropped the writing utensil on the coffee table before folding the paper and stuffing it into my pocket. Then I held out my hand, and when she didn’t hesitate to take it, I rewarded her with a smile and a kiss on her forehead once she was standing.

I’d always been a big guy. I was tall, but my size was punctuated by my muscular build from years of fighting in the UFC. Wouldn’t have ever thought I’d want a woman who was so tiny I could easily crush her, but Lucy brought my body to life. I wanted to cuddle her in my arms and care for her. But I also wanted to kiss every inch of her sexy little body, squeeze her large tits, and taste the nipples poking through her shirt. I was dying to get between her legs and eat her juicy pussy before impaling her with my fat cock and filling her with my come. It was obviously going to take a lot of patience to get her ready so she’d be able to take a big dick like mine, but I had no doubt she’d handle it. She was made for me.

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