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My Cynical Prince - The Instalove

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La la la la la. Cass tried to sing in her mind in an effort to drown the thoughts she heard coming from the man across her. But it didn’t work so she tried another tack, this time thinking back to the months that had gone by.

Julian had withdrawn his bid for the throne. He had only been obsessed about being king because he had been brainwashed by his childhood training to want it. Now, he only saw it as a poison that made men like Jose murder.

Now, he and Cass traveled all over the world, looking for pockets of land that they could develop and transform into something enchanted like St. Roch. This, however, was to be their last trip. With Cass two months pregnant with twins, it was time for them to settle down, and the prospect of doing so was exciting for both of them.

Because it was her first pregnancy, her doctor had advised her to be extra cautious and avoid stress at all costs. Julian interpreted that as a “no-fortune-reading” warning. In the end, they had compromised. She would only read people’s fortunes during weekdays.

Today was a Saturday, unfortunately.

Cass slowly covered her ears. I’m not going to say anything. I’m not going to say anything. I’m not going to say anything.

The man started to walk away.

Cass quickly put her hands down and called out, “Mr. Beauchesne?” She hoped she had said that right. But the man only continued to walk away. She had to say his name three times, pronouncing it differently with each instance, before he finally turned.

Almost like déjà vu, reminding her of the time she and Julian had first met. The thought made her smile.

Christian Beauchesne saw the smile and immediately thought, Fille folle. He was one of the most successful actors in the world, with two Oscars and three Golden Globes to his name as well as having amassed a billion-dollar fortune from the movies he not only starred in but produced as well. He was, however, also infamous for having been imprisoned for beating his fiancée.

Cass frowned. “What does ‘fille folle’ mean?”

Christian started. How the fuck had she known that?

“I read minds,” Cass said almost apologetically just before asking again, “What does it mean? The words—-”

Crazy girl, Christian thought.

Cass gasped. “I am not. I told you, I just read minds.”

He snorted.

She sighed. “You must believe me.” She paused, his future slowly taking shape. “And,” Cass added slowly, “You should book another flight. What you’re looking for isn’t in St. Roch. It’s in Boracay. Just Google the island. You’ll find what you’re looking for there.”

Christian raised a brow. “And what am I looking for?”

She answered promptly, “Someone who believes you’re innocent.”

WHEN JULIAN WALKED back to his wife, he was not entirely surprised to find her conversing with another man. Of course, he knew there was nothing to be worried about. Of course, he was still jealous as hell. That would never change. He loved Cass more and more each day, and there wasn’t a moment when he was not tempted to lock the two of them in a room so no other man would be able to steal her away from him.

Cass looked up when she sensed Julian approaching.

Julian and Christian’s eyes met, both of them recognizing each other. The look on the actor’s face was familiar, and Julian sighed. “You read his fortune.”

Christian’s brow shot up. “You believe her?”

He offered his hand to the actor. “Julian Rivera.” He gestured to the beaming Cass. “And this is my wife, Cass.”

The actor took his hand as he said slowly, “Christian Beauchesne, Your Highness.”

The other man was definitely good-looking, Julian acknowledged grudgingly. Black hair, blue eyes, bronze skin, and a strong physique – he could see why the man had a legion of female fans. Knowing that, Julian was very careful not to touch Cass in any way. Her abilities had seemed to thrive the more time Cass and Julian spent with each other. Nowadays, Julian and Cass only had to be physically connected and Cass would be able to see what he saw.

Well, he did not want that to happen this time – or at least not until the too good-looking actor was on his way.

“Do you think he believed me?” Cass asked wistfully the moment the actor left them.

He thought of the last time she had last done something similar: they had been at the Royal Palace of Kivr, and Julian had just introduced her to their hosts when Cass suddenly started blushing. When Sheikh Khal asked if something was wrong, all she had been able to say was ‘bunk bed’, and that had been it.

Sheikh Khal and his stepsister-turned-wife Ella, along with Sheikh Raj and his pregnant wife Story, became instant believers of his wife’s mind-reading abilities.

Glancing down at his wife, he pulled her close, saying, “Even if he didn’t believe you now, he’d do so, eventually.” The truth of Cass’ visions would always come out, one way or another.

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