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My Cynical Prince - The Instalove

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When Elvira’s message disappeared from the screen, another one appeared.

Just say the word, and I’ll find a way to get you out of there. Ethereal needs you.

Good old Jose. Although the world thought of Jose as a carefree and flamboyant prince, Julian had always been able to count on his cousin. Only to the family did Jose reveal his more serious side, the one that cared for the kingdom as much as they did.

Julian tossed his phone on the side table. Straightening in his chair, he weighed his options carefully. He owed it to his sister and mother to truly try having a vacation here in St. Roch. But if after tonight Julian still felt the same, then he would do whatever it took to leave the island. There were still so many things to be done—-

“Excuse me, mister?”

The words had been repeated thrice, spoken by the same feminine voice, before Julian realized that he was the “mister” the girl was talking to.

He couldn’t remember the last time he had been called that. He only moved in exclusive circles, and every person in those circles naturally knew he was of royal blood.

Pretending he hadn’t heard a thing, Julian closed his eyes and hoped that the intruder would take the hint. Did she really not know he was a prince, or was this just a ploy to get his attention? Either way, this was another annoyance he blamed on St. Roch’s door. If he had his bodyguards with him, this girl wouldn’t even have known where to look for him, much less get this close.

“Prince Julian?”

And there it was, he thought coldly. She had known it was really him then. It had been a ploy to gain his attention. He looked up, simply because he had nothing else to do rather than out of curiosity or interest.

A petite dark-haired girl was looking at him. Again, a nagging feeling that he knew her assaulted him. But that was impossible. Julian never mixed with commoners, and that was exactly what she was. It was not that he was a snob, but he had always known he would marry for the kingdom. Commoners, however interesting they were, would do nothing for Ethereal.

She was still looking at him, a hopeful and awed expression on her face. She was pretty, with her long wavy hair parted in the center, framing her heart-shaped face and resting against the snug bodice of her peasant-style dress. An island girl through and through, but how much of it was real? For all he knew, she could be an American socialite dressing down in hopes of making her look different from the other women that hounded him.

“It really is you, isn’t it?” Her voice had become shaky. If he wasn’t so cynical, Julian would have thought she was close to fainting.

His gaze narrowed. Even her voice sounded familiar. Dammit, had they really met before?

She took a tentative step towards him. This close, her flowery scent reached him, and his nostrils flared in pleasure. She had such a beautiful mild scent, like the faintest hint of lavender. His eyes went back to her face, and that was when he realized another unexpected thing about her.

She was blind.

The realization had Julian drawing his breath sharply.

The girl reached out to touch his face, and Julian didn’t move a muscle. He was not in the habit of allowing simply anyone to touch him, but something about this girl made him want to see—-

Her fingers grazed his lips.

The contact produced an electrifying reaction between them, causing her to gasp while he cursed and tried to slow down his suddenly thundering heartbeat.

It was her. It was her. It was her.

The faceless girl he had been dreaming of for years. What the fuck was she doing in St. Roch? Then again, why the fuck should that matter?

“You.” So many times he had dreamt of her in his bed, her delightfully soft body writhing in his arms. Always, they would be so close to fucking but then it never happened. With her in front of him, in the flesh, Julian completely forgot about the most pressing problems that his kingdom faced. He forgot about wanting to leave St. Roch, forgot everything because right now, all he could think about was the things he could finally do to her, with her, for her…and all of it required her to be naked.

Julian’s heart thundered against his chest as he looked at her again. Dammit, was it really her?

A tremulous smile touched her lips. “Me.”

It was all the confirmation he needed. Julian pulled the girl down to him, and as she tumbled onto his lap, he covered her mouth with his. After hundreds of dream kisses, it felt damn good to finally taste her sweetness for real.

Chapter Three

Julian Rivera might be the most elegant person alive, but there was nothing elegant in the way he kissed.

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