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Tangled (Playing With Fire)

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But secretly he really wanted complicated. He wanted Scarlett. There was no way around it.

When he kissed Drake, sank himself deep inside his welcoming ass, pounded inside him again and again Trevor almost forgot. Almost. His eyes slid closed, and his imagination carried him away. To Scarlett. Her wavy hair strewn across the pillow, her dark eyes glowing with lust for him. Her breasts would bounce with his every thrust as he moved within her body. He would suck her nipples, fuck her pussy, tease her clit with his fingers and when she came, he’d come too, fill her with his semen until she was soaked with it, consumed with it. Consumed with him.

And then he came. He came deep inside Drake’s body, but it was Scarlett’s body he imagined he was in. Scarlett’s face he saw. Scarlett’s arms circling around him, drawing him close for a tender kiss.

Trevor had never felt shittier in all his life.

Chapter Four

“What the hell is going on between you and Trevor?”

Scarlett stilled, her muscles clenching so tight she swore she would cramp up. Slowly she turned to see Austin glancing out at the stage, watching Trevor run through his lines in a quick rehearsal.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She kept her voice cool, calm. She didn’t want to give a hint of how she really felt about Trevor.

It had been four days since that night at Tom’s. The night Trevor had brought her to orgasm with a few flicks of this thumb, a couple thrusts of his fingers. Oh, and his murmured commands.

Come for me, Scarlett. Come all over my hand, sweetheart.

No man had ever spoken to her like that before. She considered herself pretty willing. Open to try anything once and, well, she was twenty-eight. She’d done more than a few sexually adventurous things in her life. Things that would make some people’s eyebrows rise in shock, she was sure.

She never believed she was one who would get turned on by dirty talk. She was more visual, a voyeur, she liked to watch it unfold. Commentary was usually annoying, distracting.

But she couldn’t get over those ten words he’d whispered to her. The look in his stormy gray eyes when he’d said them to her. How easily she’d come upon hearing those sexy, seductive words…

“Give me a break,” Austin said, pushing her from her thoughts. “Something’s going on. Every time you two get close to each other sparks fly. Who knew?”

“What do you mean by that?” She set her hands on her hips and glared at him, a little insulted.

Austin laughed, pointed a long index finger at her. “Just what I thought. You got the hots for him or what? You over your crush on Drake?”

“Hah.” She waved her hand, dismissing the crush, his accusation. Yes, she was over her crush on Drake. Drake didn’t like girls. He liked guys. And she had a bad feeling that he liked the guy she now liked.

The guy she didn’t want to like. Trevor.

“Drake’s not interested in me,” she said, trying for nonchalant. “I don’t think he ever was.”

Austin watched her carefully. “And now Trevor is?”

“I, um, I don’t know.” She wasn’t about to tell Austin what Trevor had done to her at Tom’s. The mind-blowing orgasm was hers to cherish and hers alone. “I think Drake likes Trevor. I think he’s gay.”

Austin immediately sobered, his expression going blank. “Oh yeah? Well, I’ve heard rumors about Drake.”

“Have you ever heard rumors about Trevor?” She watched her friend carefully, saw a mixture of emotions cross his gorgeous face, guilt being a major one.

“What sorts of rumors?”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” Dread threatened to consume her, overwhelm her. She didn’t want to be attracted to Trevor yet she was. She’d been battling internally for the last four days yet something nagged at her. Something told her she would again make a major mistake if she showed any interest in Trevor.

She thought it was because of his known player status. Maybe there was more going on than she realized.

“What, that Trevor’s gay? I wouldn’t consider him gay.”

“So what, he’s bisexual like you?” Her hands fell from her hips, grasping into little fists. Oh, what had she dragged herself into? She was confused.

“Listen.” Austin grabbed her arm and led her away from the stage, to a private alcove just beyond the curtains. “A long time ago, before you started working here, I had a thing with, um, Trevor.”

Her mouth dropped open in shock. “You can’t be serious.”

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