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Tangled (Playing With Fire)

Page 15

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Austin nodded, his expression grim. “Dead serious. It was short, it was crazy and then it was over. We’ve been friends ever since.”

“Like a gay thing?” She sounded like a croaking frog, and she cleared her throat.

“Well, yeah of course a gay thing. But like I said, I wouldn’t classify him as gay. He just likes to—dabble a bit sometimes. With guys.”

“God.” Scarlett hung her head back, stared at the ceiling. “This is crazy.”

“You like him?”

“I don’t like him at all. He likes me. But Drake likes him.” She paused, surprised at how easy it was to lie about her attraction for Trevor. She met Austin’s gaze once more. “And I used to like Drake. How screwed up is this?”

“Hey.” Austin reached out, stroked a hand down Scarlett’s arm. He could always see when she was hurting, upset. And right now, she was both. All over a rotten, no good scoundrel who went through women like a person with a cold went through Kleenex. One after the other, after the other. “Trevor’s a decent guy. You should go for it.”

“Not with him,” she said bitterly. “He’ll stomp all over my heart and leave me crumpled on the ground after he’s through with me.”

Austin cocked a dark brow. “Who said your heart was playing any part of this?”

Caught. How could she admit to Austin that she’d discovered a connection with Trevor that night? A connection despite everything—her prior feelings for him and her firmly established policy about not wanting to get too close to a man like him. She wanted Trevor. She could barely admit it to herself.

But there it was.

“It’s not playing a part,” she finally said, lifting her chin. “It can’t. Not with him.”

“I agree, sweetie. He’s a good guy, but he’s not one to settle down, let alone have a part time girlfriend.” Austin drew her close, into his warm, friendly embrace. She clung to him, appreciating his closeness, the way he always took care of her. “A fling with him, on the other hand, might be kind of fun.”

She couldn’t help it, she giggled against his chest. Leave it to Austin to be totally honest with her. “And you speak from experience.” When she glanced up at him, she caught the slightly embarrassed expression on his face.

“It wasn’t bad, our time together. I can at least admit to that.” He smiled, looking even more embarrassed.

Arousal washed over her at the sudden image of Trevor with another man. With Austin. Two handsome men, naked and touching each other. Hands wandering, big cocks erect, muscles gleaming with sweat…

Then another thought hit her just as swiftly. She withdrew a little to study Austin but stayed in his embrace. “I thought you always preferred to be the top.”

“Well, uh, yeah, I do. That was part of our problem. A constant struggle for control.” Now she swore Austin actually blushed.

And his comment didn’t surprise her either. Trevor had been very demanding that night. He’d practically commanded the orgasm from her.

She’d gladly delivered it.

The sound of approaching footsteps made them spring apart from each other and Scarlett turned to find Trevor standing in front of them, his expression fierce. A little angry, maybe even a little jealous.

Giddy jo

y bloomed in her stomach, and she frowned. No way should she relish in that expression on his face. It was pointless, foolish.

Too late…

“What’s going on, Trev?” Austin flicked his head at Trevor in that typical way men seemed to do.

“Nothing. What’s going on with you two?” Trevor asked the question slowly.

As if he had to keep himself under some sort of firm control, or else all hell would break loose.

“We were just talking,” Scarlett said, her gaze meeting Trevor’s.

Brilliant gray blue eyes locked on her face, he stared at her as if he could read her thoughts. It was disconcerting yet undeniably arousing, and she shifted her feet, smoothed her sky blue skirt with the palms of her hands.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Austin said, sending Scarlett a meaningful look before he walked away, tipping his head again at Trevor as he passed.

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