Under My Umbrella (Fated 1) - Page 22

“Embarrassing me, hah. More like you don’t want to embarrass yourself.”

His hand dropped away from her face. “Well, there is that, yeah, I’ll admit it but come on, Jenna. I don’t want them to see you half naked with my cock stuffed in your mouth if we got a call and everyone came hauling ass out here.” He shook his head, the image arousing him despite the consequences.

He was sick.

“There’s not going to be a call.” She released her hold on him and crossed her arms in front of her chest. The classic position of a woman getting pissed.

“We don’t know that for sure.” It could happen at any moment though the day had been pretty slow.

Still, he couldn’t—wouldn’t—take that chance.

“I just wanted to do something a little exciting.” Her gaze skittered away from him, and he got the sense that she might actually be mad at him.

“Anytime I’m with you, Jenna, I’m excited, trust me.” That was no lie. He got excited just thinking about her.

“Yeah, well…” She gave a little shrug, her gaze wandering to the door handle of the truck. “Maybe we should get out.”

Disappointment filled him. Could he really be just a momentary thrill for her to get her jolly’s off before she ditched him forever? Could it really only be about the excitement of fucking a firefighter, of fucking a guy she barely knew until she tired of him and broke it off?

For him it was so much more. He thought she was on the same page. Maybe he was wrong.

In silence, they climbed out of the cab, he carefully helping her out, she barely looking at him. Disappointment filled his chest, made his heart ache and he wanted to shake his head in disgust at himself.

Letting his heart play a factor in this was the single worst mistake he could’ve made. She wasn’t interested in him as a person. She wanted him for a fuck buddy and that wa

s it.

That. Was. It.

Now he was the one pissed off.

Brett was mad. It was written all over him, from the glower on his face to the tense stance of his body.

Disappointment filled her, and she turned away from him, not wanting to see the angry expression marring his handsome face. She’d only been looking for a little fun, a risky thrill. She got near him, and it was as if she couldn’t control herself. At the first sight of him standing there in his uniform, looking all freshly pressed and sexy, she wanted to jump him. Press her face to the spot where his white T-shirt peeked from beneath his uniform shirt. Breathe in his delicious male scent. Lick his warm, salty skin…

She’d tried to jump him instead in the fire engine, and he got angry. Defensive. And she didn’t understand why.

Well she kind of understood why, but she thought all of his excuses were just that—excuses. But maybe she had pushed him too far.

Ah, she was hopeless at this type of thing. Hot sex and all the trimmings that came with it, it just confused her. She was a typical chick mistaking lust for love and hot sex for making love. He didn’t want anything except a quick fling but she’d pushed too far and now she’d probably never see him again.

“I’m sorry. I overstepped my boundaries.” She swallowed hard against the tears that suddenly threatened. She hadn’t cried over a guy since she couldn’t remember when. “I didn’t mean to make you mad.”

“I’m not mad.” But he sounded mad. She didn’t need to look at him to tell by his voice that he was angry.

All because of her, of what she’d done.

She’d sabotaged this relationship before it even got to start.

“Hey.” His voice softened, and he wrapped his fingers about her upper arm, turning her so she faced him. “I’m frustrated that’s all. I get near you and all I want to do is…touch you.”

She wanted to do a lot more than touch him but she kept herself in check, biting her lower lip to keep her mouth shut.

“And I don’t want to get caught with my pants down—literally—while you’re uh, going down on me in the engine. With my luck, a call would come in and everyone would catch us. I wouldn’t want you to be embarrassed like that. I don’t want them to see you like that, you deserve respect.” His gaze gentled and he stroked her arm. “It wouldn’t look good. I’m supposed to be semi in charge around here. I’d lose all of their respect if I was caught in that sort of position.”

Her chin trembled and she nodded, desperate to keep a stiff upper lip. “I understand.”

“Trust me, I wanted you to do it.” He hauled her close as if he couldn’t stop himself, his arm slipping around her waist, fingers pressing into her flesh. “I’d love nothing more than you giving me a blow job but it’s going to have to wait.”

Tags: Karen Erickson Fated Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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