Under My Umbrella (Fated 1) - Page 23

Another nod and her body trembled but not from sadness. She hated the look don’t touch aspect of this. It frustrated her.

“I’m off in two days.” Brett dipped his head, his mouth brushing against hers. “Just two more days and then we can…”

A voice blared over the loudspeaker that sat close to the ceiling, startling her, and she jumped away from him.

“Engine twenty-five medical aid…” The voice droned on, and Brett glanced about, his expression determined.

“That’s us, babe,” he said, already distracted. “You’d better go.”


Her protest was cut off by a rush of bodies into the garage, their movements controlled but quick. A routine they’d gone through countless times before. She stepped back and watched in amazement as Brett jumped behind the wheel of the truck and fired it up. The engine roared to life, the sound so loud she could hardly hear anything and she backed into a corner. Afraid she’d just get in the way.

“We’ll talk later okay?” Brett yelled over the idling engine, his gaze directed upon her for only a moment before he glanced away. “I’ll call you.”

Jenna nodded, unable to say anything. She knew it would be useless anyway because he wouldn’t hear her.

Not that she wanted to air their personal problems in front of his crew anyway. Curious eyes studied her as Brett drove forward, and she shrank back, embarrassed. They probably wondered what the two of them were doing alone in the garage.

No wonder Brett hadn’t wanted to pursue it, now she couldn’t blame him.

She watched the fire engine drive away, winced when he flicked on the flashing lights and siren the moment the engine pulled out of the drive. He’d looked excited. They all seemed pumped up, and she could hardly wrap her mind around it.

It was scary, what he did. Scary and intense and dangerous.

Fear clutched at her heart. She tried to shake it, but it was futile. Even if it did work out between them, could she deal being with a man who worked such a risky job every day of his life? Could her heart take it?

Jenna didn’t know.

Under My Umbrella: Fated, Book 1

Chapter Eight

“You’re so miserable you’re bringing me down. Tell me the truth. Did you break up with your firefighter?”

Jenna shook her head. She didn’t want to talk about it, not even with Morgan. “We didn’t break up.”

No, more like he hadn’t called her since that night when she watched him drive away in the fire engine. She hadn’t heard from him since. Well, he’d sent her a couple of “I miss you. Sorry I’m so busy. It’s been swamped at the station” text messages but she hadn’t replied.

Why? He couldn’t take the time to actually call her so why should she bother?

Oh, she was being a big old bitch and was probably hormonal, but she couldn’t help herself. Men pissed her off, hot stud firefighters especially.

“Then what’s your problem? You mope around the office like someone ran over your cat.”

“I don’t own a cat.” Just saying that reminded her of her first conversation with Brett. When she denied being a cat person and he said she looked like one.

Remembering that made her want to cry, made her want to scream and pound her fists against the table.

She sat there quietly instead, staring at her half of the five-dollar foot long she split with Morgan for lunch. Her appetite was long gone. Giddy lust was a good diet, emotional despair an even better one.

“Well whatever, all I know is you’re sad and you won’t tell me why.” Morgan reached out, rested her hand over Jenna’s. “If you want to talk about it, I’m here. No judgment, no arguing, just listening. Take my offer whenever you need it.”

“Thanks, Morgan.” That meant the world to her and she sniffed, thankful for her friend. “I appreciate that.”

“Anytime.” Morgan glanced up, a welcoming smile on her face as someone approached the table. “Hey, Mia. Come join us.”

Mia sat across from them, fresh and pretty in a pale pink cardigan set and black pencil skirt, her honey blonde hair swept back into a neat ponytail. She always appeared polished, never a hair out of place and what with Morgan and her clean efficiency, Jenna always felt as if she didn’t have a chance between the two of them.

Tags: Karen Erickson Fated Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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