Son of Stone (Stone Barrington 21) - Page 95

sp; “Have a seat, Allison,” Stone said, picking up the papers. He scanned them quickly, then handed them back to her. “Good job,” he said. “That was exactly what I wanted you to do.”

“They’ll be easier to keep track of, now that we’re caught up,” she said.

There was a knock at the door and Stone looked up to see Herbie Fisher standing there. “Come in, Herbie,” he said. “I’d like you to meet my new associate. This is Allison Wainwright. Allison, this is Herbert Fisher, our client, and, incidentally, a law student.”

Herbie shook her hand. “Actually, Stone,” he said, “I’ve finished with school. Graduation won’t be until June, but I’ve completed the course work, and now all I have to do is bone up for the bar exam.”

Stone noted how Herbie was looking at Allison and how she was returning his gaze. “Have a seat, Herbie,” he said. “Excuse me for a moment. There’s something I have to do.” He left his desk and walked down to Joan’s office and sat down.

“Are you here for the reason I think you’re here?” she asked.

Stone nodded. “I thought I’d give them a moment to get acquainted.”

“I’m glad. Allison is very horny; she’s been complaining about it, and Herbie might be just the ticket for her.”

“Maybe you’re right,” Stone said. “What do you think of Allison?”

“I like her,” she said. “She sat right down and did that dirty job you gave her, and I never heard a peep of a complaint. I think she’s very smart, too.”

“Woodman amp; Weld wouldn’t have hired her if she hadn’t been both smart and highly qualified. The firm is among the two or three most desirable for graduates among all the New York firms.”

“Do we keep her, then?”

“I have the feeling she’ll move up pretty rapidly. Let’s keep her out of the Seagram Building for as long as we can.”

Joan smiled. “I was hoping you would say that.”

“Peter and I are going down to Virginia this weekend for Arrington’s housewarming, so scrub my calendar for Friday and Monday.”

“Will do. How did Peter’s Saturday date work out?”

“It worked out just fine, thanks. She’s smart as a whip, a terrific pianist, and he’s smitten.”

“Ah, young love.”

“Speaking of young love, I’d better get back in there, before Herbie and Allison end up on my sofa.”


Stone went back to his office and found Herbie and Allison talking rapidly and laughing. As he sat down his phone buzzed. “Bill Eggers for you,” Joan said.

“Why don’t you take Herbie to your office, Allison?” Stone said, then picked up the phone. “Morning, Bill.”

“Good morning, Stone. I just got an invitation to Arrington’s housewarming, and we’re planning to go. Mike Freeman has asked us to fly down with him on Friday, and we’ll come back Sunday afternoon.”

“Great. I’m glad you can make it. By the way, Bill, I’m impressed with Allison Wainwright. Thanks for sending her to me.”

“You’re welcome, but the reason she’s there is because of a contretemps with one of the partners, who shall remain nameless.”

“Let me guess: he made a pass at her?”

“Without confirming or denying that, you are very perceptive. He’s already looking for work elsewhere, and when he’s gone I’ll want her back.”

“Then you’ll have to fight me for her,” Stone said. “Joan likes her, too, and that’s not easy to come by.”

“We’ll see,” Eggers said, “and we’ll see you on Friday in Virginia. Arrington is putting us up, and Mike, too.”

“See you then.” Stone hung up as Herbie came back in.

Tags: Stuart Woods Stone Barrington Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024