Son of Stone (Stone Barrington 21) - Page 96

“Allison is very nice,” he said.

“When’s the wedding?” Stone asked.

“Oh, come on, Stone. I’m not that bad.”

“Oh, yes, you are,” Stone replied.

Herbie turned red. “Well, we are having dinner this weekend.”

Stone laughed.


O n Friday morning Stone went down to his office, and Joan handed him a letter for Peter from the Yale School of Drama.

“I wanted to open it,” she said, “but I didn’t.”

Stone called Dino. “Did Ben get a letter from Yale this morning?”

“Yeah,” Dino said, “but I haven’t given it to him yet. Eduardo called, though, and said there would be good news today.”

“Peter got his today, too.”

Early Friday afternoon, Stone packed Peter and Ben and their luggage into the car and drove out to Teterboro. The Patrick family met them in the lounge at Jet Aviation, and they walked to the ramp just outside, where the Mustang awaited them. There was half an hour of stowing luggage and doing a preflight inspection, and Peter walked around the airplane with Stone, as he pointed out various items for inspection.

Stone settled the Patricks and Ben in the four rear seats, and put Peter in the copilot’s seat, then he closed the door, gave the group a briefing about seat belts, the emergency exit, and oxygen masks, buckled himself in, and started through his checklist. Peter followed him with the copilot’s copy, and Stone pointed out each item on the instrument panel as he checked it. Finally, Stone called the tower for his clearance, wrote it down, entered the route into the flight computer, and got permission to taxi to runway one. Stone talked Peter through the whole procedure, then, when they were cleared for takeoff, explained what was going to happen. He pushed the throttles all the way forward and started down the runway. A minute or so later, at two thousand feet, they were handed off to New York Departure and began their climb.

“I want to learn how to do this,” Peter said.

“When you’re a little older,” Stone replied. “In the meantime, you can read the flight and avionics manuals.”

“I want to learn now,” Peter said.

“You’re learning how to fly to Virginia now,” Stone replied. “In two or three years, you’ll be able to do it yourself. Learning to fly goes better when you have a reason to have an airplane. You’ll be at university, and you won’t need to fly anywhere for a while.”

“Oh, all right,” Peter said. “Can I talk on the radio?”

“Listen on the way down, and you can do the radio work on the way back. Radio procedure is an essential part of flying, and the key to it is to know what the controller is going to say next. Soon, we’ll get a clearance to a higher altitude, so you can expect that.”

The controller called and cleared them to their cruising altitude of thirty-four thousand feet, and Stone showed Peter how to change the altitude in the autopilot and start the climb.

“The autopilot really flies the airplane, doesn’t it,” Peter asked, “and you just tell it what to do?”

“Correct, but you also have to be able to do everything manually, if the autopilot fails for some reason.”

“Has it ever failed?”

“Not in this airplane, yet, but in my old airplane I once had a complete electrical failure and had to hand-fly it into Teterboro, using a handheld radio.”

“Wow,” Peter said.

“They don’t often let you do a visual approach at Teterboro,” Stone said. “They like everybody lined up on the instrument approach. I had to declare an emergency to get permission for a visual that day.”

An hour later they were descending into Charlottesville, and once on the ground they taxied to Arrington’s hangar, where the Gulfstream was kept. One of the pilots was waiting for them with a large van. He stowed their luggage and drove them to the house, forty minutes away, while a worker put the Mustang into the hangar with the G-III.

There was a buzz in the van when everyone saw the driveway, lined with a dozen huge oak trees on each side, and at the end, the house, perched on a little rise.

“This is very impressive,” Sean Patrick said.

Tags: Stuart Woods Stone Barrington Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024