Double Full (Nice Guys 1) - Page 3

“I’ll catch you later. I gotta make a phone call,” Colt yelled, waving her off.

He headed straight for his place, mildly disappointed when he saw his living room full of people too. Colt navigated through the masses of his friends, winding his way around the living room, and headed straight back to his bedroom. As expected, it was occupied, too.

“Dude, seriously, it’s what the spare’s for,” Colt said, standing at the foot of his bed staring down at Tim, his best friend. Tim gave him a glassy red-eyed stare and the female under him looked about in the same condition. Lucky for Colt, Tim had only gotten as far as getting her top off.

“Come join us. I have a friend,” Double-D said, lifting up on her elbows, exposing herself completely to him. From this position, he could guess her breast were real. Funny how that was his only thought.

“Not tonight. Tim, I need my room, buddy.” Tim ignored Colt, and turned back to Double-D, continuing his exploration. Colt reached over to pull him off the bed. His buddy squawked, but had no choice except to stand. That was when Colt realized he’d gotten the whole scene a little wrong. Tim’s shorts fell straight to the floor.

“Dude! Seriously, we’ve talked about this! The spare bedroom!” Colt winced at seeing Tim hard and ready, sticking straight out from under his T-shirt.

“It’s occupied,” Tim said, tossing his hands in the air in a shrug. The move had Tim going off balance, and he struggled to stay on his feet with his shorts gathered around his ankles. Colt ran his hands through his hair in frustration. Based on the clock beside his bed, he was at least fifteen minutes from leaving the gym and he wanted to call Jace before he made it home.

“Get the fuck out,” Colt said as he began shoving Tim from the room. Double-D was next. She proved to be a little tricky to handle because she was all over him. It took a second to dislodge her and get the door shut and locked behind her.

“Playing hard to get turns me on,” she yelled through the door as Colt headed toward his restroom to make his call in as much privacy as he could get.

Colt hoped the closed bathroom door would drown out the party going on in the other room. Colt didn’t want Jace to think of him as a party guy. He rolled his eyes at the ludicrous thought. Jace already had to know he was totally a party guy. On a sigh, he dialed, praying Jace would answer.

Chapter 2

“Damn, you have one fine ass!” Jace did little more than bring his phone to his ear before a voice boomed out the flattering words. He looked down at caller ID, confused when the name Hottie appeared. He didn’t recognize the name or number on the screen when he answered.

“Colt?” Jace asked, a smile forming instantly on his lips as he said the name. Could this night seriously get any better? He just had his locker room porn fantasy fulfilled by his all-time perfect dream guy, and now the object of his desire called him. No, it couldn’t get any better than this.

“I guess I should know who else might be calling. Are you seeing anyone that I should know about?” Colt growled the last part, his deep, sexy voice lowering. Jace couldn’t help feeling incredibly pleased Colt would even pretend to care. There was a moment of silence before Jace bit his lip and tried for a cheeky response.

“I’m just seeing every Tom McCorkle, Dick Needham, and Harry Lewis I can.” They were ironically all a part of the defensive line Colt played with for the last four years.

“You better not be!” Colt said, laughing. Score! He got the response he was shooting for with that little teaser. And did he seriously hear a hint of jealousy in Colt’s voice?

“I’m not seeing anyone. What about you? I thought you were going out with Magda McCarthy?” Jace asked. The janitorial staff came banging through the locker room, pushing their large carts, jolting Jace, and he remembered where he stood. He grabbed his gear, shoved his shower kit into the locker, and tossed his duffel bag over his shoulder before heading out so no one could hear him having this conversation.

“Nah, not for a long time now. We just hang out together sometimes,” Colt said. Jace actually stopped walking and stood a few feet from the gym’s doors as that little bombshell settled. Colt and Magda weren’t a couple? That bit of information would shock most of the school. Colt and Magda were seen everywhere together. Magda was the reigning Miss Texas to Colt’s all-American football hero status. Jace had no idea how to respond. So he didn’t and opted for a change of subject.

“My ass hurts,” Jace blurted out, looking for anything to say to hide the confusion about Magda and Colt still clouding his mind.

“I hope in a good way.” Colt growled. Those few short words had Jace’s stomach aflutter. Was he seriously having butterflies over just the tone of Colt’s voice?

Better yet, did Colt just really say that to him?

“How did you get my number? Not that I don’t want you to have it, because I do. It’s just I was wondering, that’s all,” Jace managed, all of the sudden completely tongue-tied. The need to get out from under all this frantic emotion churning inside him apparently had him rambling.

“When you went back in the showers, I programmed my number in your phone. I got your number. I also looked through your locker. Don’t be mad. I wasn’t going to. I was just gonna make sure we cleaned it up well enough, but you’re a tidy guy. I know we messed it up, so I put it back in order for you.” Did Colt just ramble? Wait! An even bigger question, in what world did Colton Michaels notice that Jace Montgomery was an obsessive compulsive freak about his personal organization?

Tags: Kindle Alexander Nice Guys Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024