Double Full (Nice Guys 1) - Page 4

Jace propelled himself forward and shoved open the heavy gymnasium doors. It was dark outside, late in the evening, and the campus was in the beginning stages of spring break. Most of the students had already high-tailed it out of there as soon as their last class ended. Jace walked alone on a well-lit path to his on-campus apartment. He’d taken this path at least a thousand times before. Never had he noticed the branches of the large oak trees swaying gently in the night breeze or the welcoming scent of spring blossoms and fresh cut grass filling the air. He breathed in deeply, not thinking about why he noticed them now, instead letting these things, along with Colt’s voice, calm his frantic thoughts.

“Did I just say too much?” Colt asked in Jace’s silence. His voice dropped an octave lower again, becoming huskier.

“No… not really.” His cock began to stir again, damn he had it bad. He placed the phone on his shoulder and reached down to adjust himself because evidently his dick had taken notice of the change in Colt’s voice, too. Which was interesting in itself because he’d just had two earth shattering orgasms less than an hour ago.

“But you’re surprised I’ve been lusting after you this whole time?” Colt asked.

“Yeah, that was pretty shocking. It’s kind of unbelievable actually,” Jace admitted. He began slowly taking the steps up to his fourth floor apartment. He shared the small quad with four other male cheerleaders. They were all still on campus, senior cheerleaders were required to stay through the weekend for open gym to help any of the new hopefuls in the upcoming cheerleading tryouts.

The silence between them lingered for so long Jace looked down to see if the phone was still connected. After another long moment, he said the first thing that came to mind, “That’s why your call came up Hottie, instead of a name. I was so confused.” Colt still didn’t speak. As Jace got to the top floor, he finally asked, “You still there?”

“Yeah, I am.” Colt had that same sexy low voice thing going on. “I was just thinking. I’m relieved I finally got up enough balls and made a move. I wasn’t lying; I’ve been watching you since we were freshmen. I couldn’t ever get up the nerve to talk to you. I knew if I didn’t do it tonight, we’d graduate, and I’d lose my chance.”

“I don’t even know how to respond to that,” Jace said. He stopped again at the top of his stairwell, staring out into the night. His heart thumped wildly in his chest. Those words meant something. They had to! Jace desperately wanted them to mean something because they were about the sweetest words ever spoken.

“Hold up, I’m not finished. Let me get it all out. I wasn’t sure you were even gay in the beginning. Then a few years ago, I was on the lawn with some of the guys, and I saw you kissing that redhead from the LGBT group. I would see you at the games, and he would be there too, waving and blowing those fucking kisses. That shit drove me crazy. I couldn’t concentrate. I was making so many mistakes, calling the wrong plays, because I couldn’t get my head straight about you. God, my dad was so pissed off at me for fucking things up. I finally had to let you go, force you out of my head. But I still watched you with him. I couldn’t help it. I admit I was jealous. I hated seeing him in the stands every fucking game. Then I think it was Homecoming when he stopped coming. But I still never said anything. Today when I saw you head into the locker room, I had to take my chance,” Colt confessed. His voice sounded different somehow. Not the booming confident one he’d grown to associate with Colt and definitely not the husky, deeply sexy voice from their locker room escapade earlier.

“That’s a lie. No way, you seriously watched me that closely? I… Wow. Okay, yeah. That redhead’s name is Bradley, and I caught him with Roger, my co-captain and roommate. I broke up with him. I still can’t believe you watched me! Wow!” Jace stopped in mid-motion of reaching to unlock the front door to his apartment. The noise inside his apartment made him take a step back; he didn’t want to drown out their conversation.

“It’s not a lie. It’s the God’s honest truth. I told you I’d been watching you while were we making love tonight. I don’t lie, Jace,” Colt stated matter-of-factly. Jace could hear the honesty in his voice and focused on words like ‘making love’. Had they made love?

“I didn’t believe you, and you took off so fast afterward,” Jace said, leaning back against the brick wall.

“I took off fast because I’d already risked so much. For both of us, nobody knows about me…” Colt only slightly paused before he changed the subject. “Now let’s go back to talking about your fine ass hurting, shall we?”

“I definitely wasn’t complaining. You pounded me good. You know I’m gonna feel you for a while,” Jace answered back, teasing Colt, trying to keep his voice down. He was alone outside, but for some reason this felt so forbidden he didn’t want anyone to hear him and ruin this moment.

“Let’s talk about you. So what, are you like bi-sexual?” Well that was a little abrupt! Jace dropped his head back against brick wall. I’m such a moron. “I’m sorry, Colt, that came out wrong. You don’t have to answer that. It’s not any of my business.”

“Nah, it’s a fair question. And I know I confessed a lot just a second ago, but I’m not really ready to say it yet. I mean, I totally would talk about it with you, if I talked about it at all. I just don’t think I can. Not yet,” Colt answered back.

“Okay, no rush, I won’t push you. I get that’s a big step.” So, it wasn’t a bi-sexual thing. Clearly, Colt was hiding and needed to take those steps to come out on his own.

Tags: Kindle Alexander Nice Guys Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024