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Double Full (Nice Guys 1)

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“Probably not. They said they would call a cab.” Colt shrugged, his easy attitude firmly in place as he watched the car’s back lights until they couldn’t be seen.

“So you felt her up… huh?” Colt nudged him in the shoulder.

“Don’t even say another word. You aren’t funny, and give me the keys. You drank too much to drive.” Colt laughed, but tossed Jace the keys and headed for the passenger side.

“Let’s stay at the bungalow from now on. I think we’re safer there. At least I won’t be forced to feel up anyone,” Jace said, as he settled into his seat. “And plus, apparently I don’t like sharing. I wanted more of your attention. When you said a dinner cruise, I had something totally different in mind.”

As Jace reached to start the car, Colt was on him, turning him for a deep thorough kiss. Several minutes later, when they surfaced, Colt’s palms held Jace’s face, staring into his eyes.

“You wanna hear something crazy?” Colt whispered.

“I don’t know,” Jace said, worry in his eyes. What could be crazier than the dinner they shared?

“It made me jealous when she grabbed your hand,” Colt said. Jace could only stare at him. He had no idea how to respond. “I think we should stay at the beach house too, so I don’t have to bitch slap a ho for touching you again! Now drive us home or find someplace to park. I want to practice my blowjob skills. Goddamn, Jace Montgomery! It turns my shit on to have you in my mouth. I love giving you a blowjob.”

Jace sat there a minute, staring at Colt who leaned in, gave him a chaste kiss, and wiggled his eyebrows. Jace had to get a hold of his body in order to even remember how to drive. After a second, his brain did finally work again. He started the car, backed out of the parking space, and began to drive with Colt’s head propped on his shoulder, his hand running back and forth over his thigh. Man, he wanted more of these moments.

Chapter 7

The sun baked Jace’s skin, turning his tan darker than he’d ever remembered. He was totally relaxed, lying on the beach, letting the water lap at his legs with each push of the tide. Jace loved Hawaii. The sun heating his skin, the sounds of the ocean churning in the distance, the squawk of the seagulls as they flew over the beach in search of a handout. This was the perfect place and the perfect vacation; he could easily get use to this life. Jace groaned as he rolled from his front to his back. They only had a short time left before they headed back to reality.

Jace had again abandoned his normal swim trunks, opting for a Speedo kind of deal. Once assured he was completely alone on their little slice of the beach, Jace shed those, too. He lathered his ass in sunscreen, hoping for a full body tan, not the Coppertone baby white ass he currently sported.

In the distance, he could hear the sounds of Colt’s feet swishing through the wet sand. Jace was thankful he was back. Colt went for another run today, not letting a day go by without taking his five mile jog. It wasn’t a bad thing, Jace loved to watch Colt’s ass bounce as he ran off down the beach.

Jace turned his head and propped up on his elbow, watching Colt in the distance, running back toward him. Colt was a sweaty hot mess. He wasn’t wearing a T-shirt, his chest bare, and the jogging shorts were small and tight, riding low on his hips. The sun had done wonders on Colt’s skin too, creating a sun-kissed bronze, which made his dark features more pronounced and more alluring, if that were even possible. He was flawless. The most perfect thing Jace had ever seen.

Jace kept his eyes focused on Colt; his heart hammered in his chest, and his thoughts ran rampant. This vacation couldn’t have been any better. He and Colt fit so well together. They laughed, joked, teased one another, and never one time did Jace feel the need for distance. He craved Colt’s company, and Colt seemed to feel the same way about him. They did everything together. But this was Hawaii. What was going to happen to them when they went back to their lives? The overwhelming uncertainty made a desperate anxiety build inside Jace. A connection like this didn’t just happen every day. Could they hold it? Jace prayed they could.

“You’re fucking hot laying out here. I couldn’t run fast enough to get back here so I could fuck you senseless,” Colt chuckled breathlessly. Jace grinned, hiding behind his smile. He pushed all other thoughts out of his head, wanting to just be in this moment with Colt. Jace had had four days of Colt methodically reeling him in. He’d long since abandoned any effort at keeping his guard up. That had crumbled the very first time he pushed into Colt’s body. Colt was the perfect lover, a great companion, and seemed truly into him.

Jace didn’t respond; there was too much churning through him, so he kicked his leg up, splashing water on Colt as he dropped to his knees on the towel next to Jace. When Colt looked shocked, Jace kicked his other leg, splashing more water in Colt’s direction before bolting up, seconds before Colt reached for him. He barely dodged Colt’s grasp, but it was still a small victory. There weren’t too many times he’d successfully outmaneuvered Colt over the last few days. When he got a safe distance away, Jace reached down, splashing more water in Colt’s face.

“You’re gonna be sorry…” Colt started, and Jace splashed him again, laughing this time as he ran out into the ocean. He was completely naked, running into the surf. He looked back over his shoulder to see Colt shedding his shorts on the beach before following close behind him. He’d need this head start and more to keep away from Colt.

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