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Double Full (Nice Guys 1)

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“I love you, too.” Jace made Colt smile. He’d waited so long to hear those words from this man. Too long.

“Thank you for taking me back.” Colt kissed the tip of Jace’s nose. He held the end of the rubber as he slid from Jace’s body before rising. Jace made a little sound of protest, but rolled to his side.

“Thank you for finding me,” Jace mumbled into the pillow on a deep yawn. “I need to sleep. Be here when I wake up.”

“I’m here for as long as you want me.” Colt swore he heard Jace snoring before he finished the sentence. A smile touched his lips as he glanced down and found a soundly sleeping Jace.

“I promise I’ll be here when you wake, Jace,” he whispered and pressed a kiss to Jace’s furrowed brow. “Every day… for the rest of our lives.”

Chapter 21

Colt rose from the bed and padded to the bathroom, disposing of the used condom. As he turned toward the sink, he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror. His dark hair stood out in every direction, and the sight made him laugh. To say he was happy would be an understatement. He was giddy. Giddy? Did guys even get giddy?

The faucet squeaked when turned on. That was something else they would have to see to, something else to fix together. Colt always dreamed they could be together again, and now here they were in the same tropical island paradise with Jace’s scent all over his skin. This run down bungalow was quite possibly the best house in the entire world.

Opening the cabinet door, first his eyes, and then his heart connected with the red and white stripped washcloths along with a soft terry towel. Funny the things he remembered. Jace used these towels to clean him the first time he’d ever bottomed. The tender love and care Jace used when wiping him off had stayed with Colt all these years. No one ever came close to caring for him like Jace had. How had he ever let him go?

Colt grabbed two washcloths and sat the towel on the cabinet. He ran the washcloth under the now warm water. Colt used one of the cloths to clean the drying come off his chest. He ran the other under the hot spray, before picking up the towel. Colt made his way back to Jace, gently climbing on the bed and tenderly washing his lover. He took care not to wake him, but to be as gentle as Jace had once been with him.

Finishing, he dropped everything to the side of the bed and moved in behind Jace, pulling the covers across them. After a while, the sound of his phone vibrating in his shorts pocket pulled him from his blissful state. He ignored the call, refusing to allow the anxiety of whoever was on the other end to get to him anymore. Whoever called could wait. The only person he wanted to talk to lay right here in his arms.

Colt tugged Jace across him, wanting Jace as close to him as possible. He’d lost too many moments like this. Jace woke briefly as Colt hauled him up, and he gave the sweetest crooked smile.

“You’re still here,” Jace whispered in a sleepy voice.

“I’m here until you don’t want me anymore.” Colt pressed a kiss to Jace’s forehead. Jace made a sound of approval and wrapped himself around Colt, finally settling on his chest. Nothing else was said as Jace fell back asleep. These few hours with Jace were the most perfect moments of his life. Way better than spending his honeymoon with a drugged up, drunken wife. His phone began the insistent vibration again, and he rolled his eyes.

Colt laid there for what seemed like hours, lightly stroking his fingers up and down Jace’s back, taking in the scent and warmth of his lover. Jace slept soundly. Colt never knew he snored or drooled until now. Colt kept Jace lulled into deep sleep with the light massage on his back. Slumber never came for Colt.

As daylight began to peak through the curtains, Colt’s stomach let out a loud rumble. The noise caused Jace to stir and drew Colt from his thoughts. He hadn’t slept now for twenty-four hours, but somehow he wasn’t tired. He also hadn’t eaten since breakfast yesterday morning. That looked like it might become a problem as a full blown growl erupted from his stomach.

After a short time, Colt very carefully slid from Jace’s hold. The process took several minutes to untangle himself, before tucking pillows in against Jace so he could manage leaving the bed without waking his sleeping beauty. The thought brought a smile to his lips. He stared down at Jace’s closed eyes and slightly parted full lips. He was so perfect. Jace was his and apparently always had been. Colt’s smile widened, turning into a grin as his heart filled with unbelievable pride.

He’d cook Jace breakfast in bed. His prince would be served breakfast by his hand. A perfect plan!

Colt grabbed his shorts and the T-shirt he’d worn yesterday and quietly made his way from the bedroom. On a thought, he turned back and looked over the door’s hinges, trying to decide if they would squeak if he closed the door. Taking a chance, Colt slowly shut the bedroom door, which moved without a sound. The goofy smile never left his face. His life was looking up. What a difference twenty-four hours made.

Colt pulled on his shorts and buttoned them as his phone went off again. He tugged on his T-shirt and pulled his phone out of his pocket, manning up enough to look down at the screen. Seventy-two missed calls. Damn! The secrecy of the trip had apparently ended; from the looks of things, his life actively searched for him.

With seventy-two missed calls, his phone must have rung all through the night. Yeah, he was certain everyone wondered where he’d disappeared to. Colt silenced his phone, turning off the vibration, and dropped the phone on the turquoise painted cabinet—he remembered that from before, too. The calls could wait. He had other priorities now. First on his list, coffee. Colt looked around the way outdated kitchen. There wasn’t a coffee maker sitting out on the counter. Did that mean Jace didn’t drink coffee? Everyone drank coffee. Right?

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