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Double Full (Nice Guys 1)

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Colt began quietly opening cabinets, going through drawers, and finally searched the refrigerator. He knew Jace was a health nut, but seriously? Carrot juice, guava juice, tofu, a huge bag of mixed nuts, whole wheat pasta, and celery… What the hell? Who ate that?

And what kind of man didn’t drink coffee? Running his fingers through his hair, Colt decided a trip to the grocery store wouldn’t qualify as not being here when Jace woke up, especially if he hurried. Colt felt around in his pockets. He had his rental key and his wallet. Swiping his phone from the cabinet, he dropped it back inside his pocket before going to the drawer where he remembered seeing a pen. Colt searched for paper and finally opted to write on a paper towel, just in case Jace woke while he was gone.

He also needed to grow some balls and call his coach and doctor to let him know he was okay. If his spine held, he might even call his dad on his way to the grocery store. Anxiety immediately hit. He might wait making that call to his old man.


Colt turned on his GPS and picked the closest grocery store he could find. He carefully drove the back roads, following the directions into town. Before yesterday, Colt hadn’t driven a lot in the past few years, especially not after his last DUI charge. He hired a driver to take care of those things. As Colt got his bearings and the roads slowly came back to him, he palmed his phone and dialed Dr. Knox.

“Son, you sure know how to stir a pot, don’t you? You all right?” Dr. Knox bypassed the standard greeting and cut straight to the point.

“I’m great. Better than great actually. I haven’t heard anything, but my phone’s lighting up. What’re you hearing?” Colt asked.

“First, how are you holding up?” Colt knew exactly what the doctor asked and didn’t try to hide from it. It was the reason he’d chosen Dr. Knox to talk to first.

“I haven’t had a drink.” The truth was he hadn’t even thought about having a drink since he boarded the plane.

“Good! That’s real good. Do you need a meeting wherever you are?” The concern in the doctor’s voice came across loud and clear.

“I might, but right now I’m fine. I haven’t even wanted a drink since I left New York.” Jace made him stronger, made him want to be a better man.

“That says a lot, Colt.” The words were said quietly.

“It’s due to the person I’m with,” Colt confessed just as quietly.

“Son, I’m here for you, no matter what. Off the record, I’m glad you’ve made the decision to stay sober, for whatever the reason.”

“At the time I made that decision, I was protecting someone. I’d give my life to protect him. I’m glad it didn’t come to that…” Colt stopped in midsentence, realizing what he’d just said. Even through all their days of rehab, of the support groups, of Dr. Knox being Colt’s sponsor, he’d never brought up Jace’s identity.

“I’ve been worried about you keeping your secret. I hoped you’d make the right decision, but you were still hiding. To recover fully, you can’t hide. But just so you know, until you’re ready to go public, your secret’s safe with me.”

Colt actually got emotional. He let out the pent up breath he held and stayed quiet for several long moments. Dr. Knox accepted him. Damn, it felt good.

“Did I lose you?”

“No, sir. I was just wishing you were my dad. He’s not gonna be okay with this.” His throat clogged as he said those words.

“No, I don’t suspect so, but you’re a grown man now, Colt. He needs to lead his life, you need to lead yours. Just because you’re family, doesn’t mean you owe him anything. You’ve been an incredible son to him. Let that be enough.” The words were candid and clear. Dr. Knox didn’t walk the fence this time like he normally did, and Colt stayed quiet again.

“You do need to call Coach Atkins. He’s called all night long asking if I’ve heard from you.”

“I’ll call him now. Thanks, Doc. I’m in Hawaii, Kauai actually, so I’ll have to look for a meeting, just in case I need it. I hope I don’t need it.”

“Let me take care of that for you, I’ll look right now and send you a message. Take care, Colt. Call me if you need me.” The phone disconnected and Colt paused before making the next call. He’d actually said the word ‘him’ and the world hadn’t imploded around him. As Colt pulled his car into the grocery store parking lot, he made the call to his coach.

“Colton Michaels answering service, what the fuck do you want?” Colt laughed; he needed that laugh. His coach was in a joking mood this morning.

“Did I interrupt cooking class?” Colt asked.

“Fuck you very much. Next time you ditch a wedding, text me. I sat in that fuckin’ church in a fuckin’ suit and tie for two fuckin’ hours.”

“I’m sorry about that.”

“I think you don’t give a shit.”

“I kind of do,” Colt said and laughed at the huff he got. “So where does everyone stand?”

“As far as the team, our official statement is that we’re as curious as everyone else. After I heard from you, we’re moving it to, we stand behind you and the decisions you make. Is that what we need to say?”

“I guess so.”

“All right, I’ll have PR make contact with you in the next twenty-four hours. I suggest you lay low for the next few days. By the way, your bride-to-be has told me that you have forty-eight hours to make this right. That was fifteen hours ago.”

“I don’t give a fuck what that conniving bitch says about anything,” Colt blasted back.

“I thought so. It’s why I started the conversation with our plan, not hers.” Colt was silent for a minute. The coach was quiet as well. There was one thing, or person rather, left unsaid. When the coach didn’t automatically say it, Colt finally asked.

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