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Lucky Charm (Lucky 1)

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She dug her phone out from her purse and answered. “Hello?”

“Hi. It’s Sharon.”

“Where are you? I haven’t heard from you since you left for the conference. You librarians must be heavy-duty partiers,” Gabrielle said, laughing.

Sharon didn’t laugh. “I’m not at a conference.”

“Just where are you, then?”

“At the moment? I’m about half an hour from Stewart. My car broke down at the motel I’m staying at and I need you to come get me. I’ll explain when you get here.”

Gabrielle grabbed a pen and a pad she kept next to her kitchen telephone. “Give me the address. I’ll be right there.”

Sharon repeated the name of the motel and then, reluctantly, gave Gabrielle the address—which just happened to be in the same town she and Derek had found Sharon’s ex, Tony.

Gabrielle expelled a long breath, holding back from chastising her friend until she could do it in person. “Sit tight. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“I knew I could count on you,” Sharon said.

Almost an hour later thanks to traffic and a miscalculated exit, Gabrielle pulled into the motel parking lot where Sharon’s car had died. Sure enough, Sharon’s sedan was in one of the parking spots.

Sharon walked out of a side motel entrance. Dressed in dark pants and a black tank top, sunglasses perched on a baseball hat, she joined Gabrielle. “I called AAA and they should be here soon. We can leave after they’ve towed my car.”

Gabrielle nodded. She seated herself on the curb and waited for Sharon to do the same. “Since we have time, do you want to explain why you look like a cat burglar? And make it good because I’m about to have you committed.” She raised an eyebrow and waited.

Sharon took a long breath. “I went to stalk Tony,” she said on a rush.

“You what!” Gabrielle jerked around to stare at her friend.

“It’s more rational than it sounds, I swear. I just wanted to see what he was up to. What his life is like. If it’s possible he’s reformed, as he claims.”

Gabrielle opened her eyes wider in disbelief. “Why didn’t you say something? I would have come with you!”

“That’s why. I had to do this for myself. I had to see for myself.”


Sharon met her gaze. “He has a wife and a child!”

“Whoa. He said he lived with his sister. He lied?”

Sharon nodded. “Apparently so.”

“Now, that’s a shock. A convicted felon who’s also a liar.” Gabrielle bit the inside of her cheek. Now she understood why he’d stepped outside and hadn’t wanted to let them into the house. “So if he lied about that, what else is he lying about? He obviously didn’t want his family to know what he did to you.”

Sharon shook her head. “I don’t think so. It’s weird, but I’ve watched him for a couple of days and he’s different. Mellow. More at ease than he ever was before. I actually do think he’s changed.”

“Or maybe he hasn’t and this life is a cover.” Gabrielle placed her hand over her friend’s.

“I considered that, too. There’s only one way to find out.”

“And that is?” Gabrielle was almost afraid to ask.

Sharon smiled grimly. “I’m going to have to confront him.”

Before Gabrielle could respond, the tow truck pulled up in front of them. She couldn’t continue this talk now, but once the car situation was settled, Gabrielle had every intention of nixing Sharon’s suicidal idea.


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