Seduce Me - Page 63

“He hires us and we use the information and agree to as small a settlement as possible, why?”

“Because I vote we don’t use it.”

Jack stalked back into the room, his attorney instincts kicking into gear. “Mind telling me why not?”

She shook her head. “Because she doesn’t deserve it. You heard her. She raised his kids and from what I’ve seen she’s a major player in running this place. She’s earned a fair share. Besides, if she had a drug problem, she’s obviously over it now. Why threaten to make her weakness public? Why set her kids up for ridicule just to achieve Mr. Lederman’s needs?”

“Because if he comes around like I expect him to, he’ll be our client.” A client Jack didn’t like and didn’t trust, but a client entitled to loyalty and the best representation for his money just the same.

He stood at the fo

ot of the bed, recalling their first day at the resort, Mallory’s determination and no-holds-barred attitude toward getting to know Mrs. Lederman and aiding their client.

“You suggested hiring the private investigator in the first place. Now you want to bury the information you asked him to find?” Jack shook his head in disbelief. “Aside from the fact that I doubt Lederman will want that, it’s contrary to our legal ethics and what we owe the client.”

She narrowed her gaze, obviously furious that he’d questioned her ethics. “I just happen to think there are less slimy tactics available.” But she glanced away just as quickly, a sure sign more was going on inside that beautiful head than she was willing to let on.

“This from the woman who wants to make it in a man’s world?” He could have bitten his tongue in two the minute the words escaped his mouth. But she’d shocked him with her about-face.

His arguments for using the information were valid. And besides, if he wanted things between them to return to a normal professional level, he couldn’t tread lightly around her feelings just because they’d once been involved.

Were still involved. Dammit. He didn’t like this one bit.

She rose from the bed, wrapping the sheet around her in what seemed more like an emotionally protective gesture than a physical one. “Well I guess we know where we both stand on this issue. And whose opinion carries the most weight.”

He hated hurting her. He hated the distance he’d just put between them even more. “Mallory…”

She shook her head. “Go shower and talk to Lederman.”

Knowing there was nothing more to say, Jack pulled on his pants and retreated to his own room for a shower. By the time he’d cooled down and knocked on her door, no one answered.

Whether she’d headed downstairs for a walk on the beach or if she was just ignoring him, the result was the same.

He was alone.


JACK STRODE into the crowded gym. Seven-thirty in the morning was prime workout time when the sun beckoned for the rest of the day. Looking around, he spotted his mark standing by the treadmill, white towel wrapped around his beefy neck.

Jack steeled himself for the argument to come. He’d been too damn lax on this trip. Too distracted by the thrill of the game he and Mallory had played.

He walked over to the corner of the room. “Paul. I’d like a word with you.” Jack refrained from showing his anger or frustration yet. There was still a remote chance his gut instinct regarding Lederman’s motives were wrong. But he doubted it.

Lederman turned—reluctantly—away from the treadmill and met Jack’s stare. “I was going to give you a call this afternoon.”

Sure he was. Since his return, he’d been making himself scarce. And because of Jack’s affair with Mallory, he’d been too preoccupied to care. But if her chilly attitude this morning was any indication, the honeymoon was over, and maybe it was for the best.

“What’s up?” Paul asked.

“Why don’t you tell me. I’ve spent four days here and not a word from you. Meanwhile my sources tell me you’ve been holding out on me.” Jack glanced around to make sure no one was in hearing distance. “Prescription drug abuse?” Jack watched Lederman’s reaction closely.

“How the hell did you come up with that?” Paul narrowed his gaze, then shrugged. “No matter now. It’s ripe for use.” He narrowed his gaze. “You willing to use it?”

“If you hire me, and if that’s what you want and if it makes strategic sense, then yes.” As he spoke, the look of disappointment in Mallory’s face flashed before his eyes and his stomach knotted in self-disgust.

His father’s pleading face came next. Jack didn’t have to question how he would react if his parents’ divorce got messy and his greedy mother decided to use his father’s weaknesses and shortcomings against him. Nor did he question the names he’d be calling the lawyer who was willing to represent his mother and play those dirty games. Games Jack had been playing for years with other people’s divorces and unspared feelings.

Lederman let out a loud laugh. “I’ve done some digging of my own. You’ve got yourself a damn good record, obviously a damn good team of investigators and you’ve got balls. I like that in a man.” Without warning, Paul held out his hand. “Consider yourself hired.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024