Seduce Me - Page 64

Jack forced himself to shake Lederman’s hand. “You won’t be sorry. Waldorf, Haynes will give you the best representation out there. But there’s one thing we need to settle first.”

“What’s that?”

Jack stepped into Lederman’s personal space. “I might be willing to play hardball, but I don’t appreciate having it played against me by my own client. My reputation precedes me,” Jack said, not caring how arrogant he sounded. “Either you trust my ability or you don’t. Next time you play games I’m out of here.”

“Deal.” Lederman pumped his hand with enthusiasm before excusing himself and turning back to the treadmill that awaited him.

Jack walked back through the gym. He’d just accomplished a huge coup. He’d secured his firm’s largest client and kept the eccentric man happy at the same time. And though Lederman was slime, Jack hadn’t agreed to dirty his hands or compromise his professional work ethic.

He hadn’t agreed to go any further on this client’s behalf than he’d done many times before. But instead of feeling ecstatic, instead of the usual rush of adrenaline he’d experienced in the past, Jack’s stomach twisted into tight knots. Because despite the positive outcome of the business side of this trip, he had the uneasy feeling this case would reverberate through his life in unexpected ways—jeopardizing the future he’d never thought he wanted.

The one he’d never have.

Though he wasn’t looking forward to the confrontation, Jack owed Mallory an update regarding his conversation with Lederman. And with their return to the office imminent, they needed a frank discussion about what had gone on between them as well.

Not to mention that Jack needed one last time alone with Mallory before reality set in.

MALLORY ZIPPED her suitcase closed. She had to get out of here and back to her life before she lost her sense of self. Falling in love with Jack, she’d discovered one Mallory and lost another. The one that was goal-oriented and on the fast track to partnership. The one who never thought she wanted a husband or family. The one content to hide her femininity.

The one who considered Jack an unattainable dream.

She could never put the new Mallory behind her any more than she could completely return to the ice princess who’d been Waldorf, Haynes’s top associate. The feminine, erotic woman was a part of her now. So, too, was the woman who considered Alicia Lederman’s feelings more important than making partner.

She’d changed. There would have to be more changes when she got home. Spending more time with Jack Latham would never allow her to get over the one and probably only love of her life. The one who distrusted women, relationships and love. The one who’d come to her on a dare and continued on only because each challenge became harder to resist.

The one who didn’t believe in dreams or happily ever after.

The ringing of the telephone startled her out of her deep thoughts. She picked up the receiver. “Hello?”

“Ms. Sinclair?” A deep male voice she didn’t recognize answered her.

“Yes. Who is this please?”

“The hotel concierge. I’ve been asked to inform you to meet your business partner in room 520 at eight o’clock this evening.”

Jack’s room across the hall. Her heart began a rapid, thudding beat. A keen sense of longing took hold, the emotions strong and overwhelming. “Thank you,” she murmured into the phone.

A lump that might as well have been Mallory’s heart lodged in her throat. Not an invitation but a business meeting. And certainly not a returned declaration of love.

Mallory Sinclair, Esq. would never deny a partner’s request. But Mallory Sinclair, woman, had no choice. She was smart enough to know when to give in. She lifted her suitcase onto the floor.

There was no way she could handle one last meeting with Jack. Not with her heart in shreds and her career at a crossroad.

She didn’t fault Jack for his attitude this morning. Using the private investigator’s report was the right move—for someone who wanted to represent Paul Lederman. She didn’t need to forgive Jack for doing his job. It was the same strategic move she would have made the day she’d arrived at the resort. But no longer.

Along with finding herself came a clarity and acceptance of life she hadn’t had before. The same way she knew she’d never change her parents’ lack of feeling for their only child, she now knew she couldn’t change Jack’s negative views on love and relationships. Lord knows she’d tried.

Too bad she’d been the only one to undergo self-revelation on this trip or she wouldn’t have to leave the resort alone. She and Jack could go—together.

She wiped at the tear dripping down her cheek. She’d begun this game with an invitation aimed at teaching him a lesson. He’d returned the favor and they’d engaged in a sensual, exciting competition, each trying to top the other—neither realizing one of them would end up with a broken heart. Until it was too late.

So no, she wouldn’t show up, not even for a business meeting. She’d find a way to get the message to him so she didn’t stand him up. And then she’d head home.


JACK PACED the floor of his room. At nine o’clock he realized Mallory wasn’t going to show. At ten o’clock, one stiff drink later and well into seventh-inning stretch of the Yankees game, there was a knock at the door.

Professionally he should have been furious she was so late, but at this point his heart was thinking for him and his emotions were keyed. He was angry and hurt as hell. Be it a business summons or a personal request, the very least she could have done was send him a polite “no thank you.”

Tags: Carly Phillips Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024