Seduce Me - Page 65

His head was pounding and his throat raw. He felt like crap and realized Mallory was just a part of it. All he needed on top of things was the damn flu. He rose from the couch and walked to the door. On the other side was Alicia Lederman—the last person

Jack expected to see.

“Can I help you?”

“I’ve got a message for you.” The older woman held out a white envelope with the resort logo on the upper lefthand corner. “I promised to bring this over earlier. Much earlier. But we had an emergency in the lobby. A man had a heart attack and I had to call the hotel doctor and 9-1-1…” She shook her head. “Anyway, here it is with my sincere apologies.”

“No need to apologize.” Considering what Jack had in store for her, he ought to be saying “I’m sorry.”

The thought jarred him, taking him by surprise. When had he ever felt the need to apologize for doing his job? He glanced at Alicia. Though she looked as elegant as ever, the weariness in her face tugged at Jack’s heart. He wondered if he was truly seeing her for the first time or viewing her through Mallory’s eyes. Either way he didn’t like what he saw and wondered if Mallory was right—if there was a way of settling this divorce without causing needless pain and heartache.

He met Alicia’s gaze, impressed with her dignity and courage. “You could have sent a bellboy with this.” He waved the note in the air. “Why bring it yourself?”

“Because if Mallory cares, then you must be a good man in here.” She tapped the area near her heart.

He wouldn’t touch that assumption. “You’ve spoken with her then.”

Alicia nodded. “Before she left. She’s on her way home. I’m sure that note explains it all.”

He stepped back. “Come in, please.”

Alicia followed him inside but remained silent, obviously sensing he needed space. And he did. So Mallory hadn’t stood him up—not in the way he’d thought anyway. But the truth didn’t make him feel any better and his stomach churned with remorse.

Jack didn’t care if he had an audience, he just wanted to know what Mallory had to say. He pulled the scented paper from the envelope and read silently.

While I regret not telling you in person, I’m smart enough not to engage in a battle I can’t win.

This trip taught me a lot about myself and what I want out of life.

I’m going home to begin making some changes. And regretfully I’m going to have to let this last meeting pass.

It was fun while it lasted.



The pain in Jack’s gut grew larger.

“Endings are never easy.” Alicia placed a hand on his arm, then embarrassed, she withdrew quickly.

Jack met her sympathetic gaze. “I guess you would know,” he said, careful to let kindness not sarcasm infuse his voice.

She nodded. “I realize I can’t keep Paul if he doesn’t want to stay. And I know you thought I was ignoring you when you told me to get an attorney, but I wasn’t. I was preparing.”

“And keeping your cards close to your vest. I respect that.”

“I’m not certain what I’ve done deserves it. But what I do know is that the marriage is over. And I refuse to go without a fight.”

“You realize this is when I advise you to get counsel.” She was so easy to talk to, Jack couldn’t help but smile.

“I will. But I was hoping we could deal first.” Reaching into her bag, she held out a manila envelope. “I’m not as naive as my husband thinks. There’s some information on me that I am certain he’ll want to use. Let him know I’ve got ammunition of my own.”

Jack quickly thumbed through the contents of the package—incriminating photos of Paul Lederman and a young woman. Dates noting the ongoing relationship were clear on each photo. Alicia Lederman had proof of her husband’s infidelity. Jack let out a groan.

“She’s an employee,” Alicia said. “A very young, inexperienced employee.” The hurt in her voice was unmistakable. “I swear to you he wasn’t like this when we married. The heart attack and middle age changed him.” She shook her head, disgust etched in her features.

Jack could empathize. Paul Lederman’s actions made him sick. “Are you planning to use these?”

Tags: Carly Phillips Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024