Seduce Me - Page 66

The older woman wiped at her eyes. “I don’t want them made public, no. I’ve got children who are more important than any money I get out of the divorce settlement.”

Jack stood before Alicia Lederman, at a loss for words. Here was a woman with proof in her hands, proof that could net her a huge settlement if she pushed hard enough, but she was willing to put aside the cash for the sake of her children. She was so different than any client or spouse he’d ever encountered.

She was unique. And so was Mallory, who’d seen this woman’s goodness from day one.

“Mr. Latham?”

He cleared his throat. “Sorry. If you’re not willing to use these why are you showing them to me?”

“I said I don’t want them made public, not that I wouldn’t use them if forced.”

Through her pain, Jack heard the determination in her voice and respected her for it.

“Make no mistake. I’d take my licking if Paul insisted on using the information on me, and I don’t want to drag my children through the mud twice. They need to believe they’ve got one parent they can look up to. Even if it’s a charade. So you show him these—they’re copies by the way—and tell him all I want is what’s fair. I’ve helped run this resort and raised his kids. I’m middle-aged with no other source of income or abilities. All I’m asking for is a fair and equitable settlement so he can’t squander it on those young women he prefers.”

She choked back a sob and Jack felt the lump rise in his throat. Not only for Alicia but for his own father who was going through the same ordeal.

“I’m hoping the threat of these photos is enough. But if he backs me into a corner, I’ll come out fighting.”

“I understand.” Jack stood with the envelope in his hand, knowing his firm’s largest client had sealed his own fate.

Jack hesitated, then put a hand on Alicia’s shoulder. “I’ll show him and advise him accordingly. In the meantime, you get yourself a lawyer first thing tomorrow.”

She nodded, gratitude flickering in her eyes. “Mallory was right about you. You just need to realize it on your own. Goodbye, Mr. Latham.”

“Good night.”

Alicia slipped out the door, leaving Jack alone with the incriminating photos and Mallory’s note. He walked over to the large mirror in the master bedroom. He braced his hands on the counter and looked into the reflective glass. He barely recognized the man facing him. He’d never considered himself a coward, yet that’s exactly what he was looking at. A man who, like his father, was afraid to take the step that would forever change his life.

Although both he and Mallory had known the rules going into the affair, neither had followed those rules. She’d fallen in love and had the courage to admit the truth. He’d fallen, too, but when faced with her admission he’d hidden behind the excuse of protecting her—instead of facing up to his greatest fear and overcoming it.

The irony was clear. Jack was a man who’d spent his life running from love and commitment until he’d walked right into its trap.

Only loving Mallory didn’t feel like a trap. The rest of his so-called life did.


Mallory dumped the box of her personal things on the floor of the apartment she shared with her cousin. “I quit, Julia. Q-U-I-T. What don’t you understand?”

Actually she’d given two weeks’ notice, but the senior partner wasn’t interested in keeping her on. Not after he’d heard she wasn’t willing to use the information against Alicia Lederman. Jack had been out with the flu since they got back and the Lederman case had fallen into Mallory’s hands. She’d chosen to walk before setting Alicia Lederman up for pain and heartache.

Upon Mallory’s departure from the resort, she’d bid Alicia an emotional goodbye. Because of her professional ethics, which at this point she wanted to choke on, Mallory hadn’t been able to do more than advise the other woman to get an attorney. But she refused to be the one to feed Alicia to her husband, the shark.

“Come sit down.” Julia patted the seat on

the couch. “By the time I got home last night you were fast asleep and the first time I see you today, you’ve quit a job you’d dedicated your life to. You were this close to making partner.” She pinched her thumb and forefinger together and her silver bracelets jangled against each other. “So what gives?”

Mallory eyed her cousin warily as she settled in beside her. “You’ve got dark circles under your eyes and you’ve been suspiciously silent and you’re asking me what gives?”

Julia rolled her eyes. “I’m not the one who spent five days at a resort with the firm’s most eligible partner.”

Mallory hugged her shoulders tight. “He’s not eligible.” And as of the end of her first week back, he hadn’t returned to the office, either. So she’d avoided any awkward confrontation and by having her notice declined, she’d probably avoided ever seeing him again. That damned lump in her throat returned.

“Not eligible? You mean he was engaged or married during that one night? What a slime.” Julia made a face accompanied by a snort of disgust.

Despite herself, Mallory chuckled. She had no intention of revealing to Julia it had been much more than one night. “He’s neither engaged nor married but he’s just as unavailable in here.” She tapped her chest, above her heart. “And here.” She gestured towards her head.

And if all their intimate time together hadn’t changed his outlook nothing would.

Tags: Carly Phillips Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024