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Dare to Hold (Dare to Love 4)

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He reached the door just as she paused and turned to him. “I shouldn’t have come.”

“Yes, you should have.” She was so close he could see the light sprinkling of freckles on the bridge of her nose and his heart threatened to pound out of his chest. “This isn’t what it looks like.”

She tipped her head to one side. “But it is your life. The one you worked hard to achieve and … I’m happy for you.” But the words were at odds with the sad smile lifting her glossed lips. “It’s good to see you, Grey.” She raised a hand his way before she turned and walked out.

Shit. “Avery!” He stepped into the hall.

“Grey! I’ve got Rolling Stone on the phone and they want an interview. I need an answer now,” Simon said, seeking his attention.

A glanced back told Grey that Avery had gotten lost in the crowd held back by security. His head pounding, he walked back inside, ignoring his manager.

“Was that her?” Lola came up beside him, her voice soothing in light of the chaos swirling around him.

“Was is the right word,” he muttered. “I can’t do this anymore, Lo.”

“I hear you. It’s not good for us. Rep doesn’t like the crap that comes with our kind of life either,” she said of her serious boyfriend who was the Miami Thunder’s hugely successful wide receiver. “I want to be around during the season and he worries when we’re on the road and he can’t be there.” She rested her head on his arm. “We do have a tour to finish though.”

“We do,” he agreed. “But afterwards? I’m coming home.” And he was going to get his girl.

Chapter One

Three Months Later

Avery Dare stared at the blank screen on her computer, surprised that no snappy topic or product came to mind for an upcoming blog, despite the piles of free product that had been sent to her for testing. One of the perks of being a professional blogger with a huge online social media presence, she received packages from companies looking for her to pimp their goods. It was a cool job she’d somehow turned into a career and she loved it. She enjoyed interacting with people online, discussing things they had in common, helping people be their better self, as she liked to call it.

She’d always managed to keep her online persona and her real self separate. Even if her sister and friends read and interacted there, her readers looked at Avery as one of them … someone who loved the newest Louis Vuitton handbag but wouldn’t necessarily be able to go out and afford to buy it. She wasn’t about flaunting her family name or wealth and apparently her fans enjoyed that about her too.

A familiar ding alerted her

to incoming emails and she clicked back to her mail program. An alert from a local gossip blog caught her eye and she read the subject.

Reports of Tangled Royal breakup confirmed.

Avery’s stomach lurched at the mention of the band’s name and she bit down on her lower lip, memories of going to visit her high school boyfriend after his concert weighing on her. It wasn’t like she was naïve or stupid. She knew what kind of life a rock star of Grey’s magnitude lived. And if she hadn’t known, she’d been forced to see the pictures and snippets of information over the years by virtue of the same magazines she read to keep her blog current.

But seeing pictures of a guy she’d known in the past and having to face it up close and personal when she’d thought she would be seeing him in private … that had hurt. And the vision of the bleached blonde wrapped around his body while other women, dressed equally as skanky, surrounded the band, merely reminded Avery of how different their lifestyles were. And how they each, always, wanted very different things. So she’d left the room before they could do more than look into each other’s eyes … knowing she had to protect herself because one look at his handsome face, more mature, but still the same features she used to love, had hit her hard.

He hadn’t given up. Over the last few weeks, every time she posted something meaningful on her blog, like a hot new handbag she liked or a perfume she sampled, the same product ended up being sent to her doorstep. Giftwrapped beautifully, with a short card attached. I’m sorry – G. Give me another chance – G. Call you when I’m back in town – G. Can’t wait to see you – G. Missed you all these years – G.

Yeah, that last one got to her most. Because she’d missed him too. Then, as routinely as they’d arrived, the gifts had stopped. And she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d decided she wasn’t worth the effort, not when he had all those groupies at his disposal. She’d tried to put him out of her mind, but it wasn’t easy.

Her finger hovered over the keyboard before she finally gave in and opened the email and read the alert in its entirety.

Grey Kingston sighted in and around Miami and South Beach over the last week while bassist Milo Davis settles into L.A., adding fuel to the rumors that the band is going their separate ways.

So he was here. Back in Miami. And so much for his promise to contact her when he was back in town. She shouldn’t be all that surprised. Just another let down by the man who’d stolen her heart. Only recently had she come to realize she’d never really gotten it back.

“You okay?” her roommate asked, peeking into her bedroom.

Avery pushed her chair back and grinned at Ella Williams, her once pen pal and best friend for what felt like forever. Ella had moved into the spare bedroom when Avery’s sister, Olivia, moved out and married Dylan Rhodes.

“I am awesome,” Avery said, turning her back on the screen behind her.

“And I don’t believe you.” Ella plopped down on Avery’s bed, curling her legs beneath her. Her damp, light brown hair hung around her face and because she had silky fine hair, she wouldn’t have to do much to make it shine. Unlike Avery who had to work hard to get the flat-ironed look.

“You’re awesome?” Ella asked, in a mimic of Avery’s forced high pitched tone. She pinned Avery with a knowing stare and didn’t look away.

“Okay fine. I’m not awesome.” She’d never been able to lie to Ella, not since the day they’d met in the hospital when they were nine years old, each donating bone marrow to a relative.

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