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Dare to Hold (Dare to Love 4)

Page 68

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“I’m guessing Grey Kingston has something to do with you being distracted?” Ella asked.

Avery pursed her lips and nodded. Though she hadn’t told her family what happened when she’d gone to see Grey backstage, she had confided in Ella. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to tell Olivia, but the time had never been right. First, Dylan’s old friend Meg had been in the hospital and they’d been busy with her troubles, and after Olivia’s life had fallen into place with a man she loved and a new start. Avery hadn’t wanted to burden her sister with her own issues.

“Still no word from him?” Ella asked.

“No. And I shouldn’t care. I mean I’m the one who told him to stop texting me and to focus on his tour.”

“But he didn’t listen, if those gifts were anything to go by.”

“No. He said he’d be in touch the next time he was in Miami.” Avery picked at a nonexistent piece of lint on her silk pants.

“I’m sensing there’s more?” Ella pushed. Ella always pushed, never allowing Avery to escape into herself as she was prone to do.

She swallowed over the surprisingly painful lump in her throat. “I just read he’s been back in town for the last week or so.”

“And he still hasn’t been in touch.”

“No. And I shouldn’t care! I don’t want to care.”

“But you do.” Ella patted the space beside her and Avery crawled onto the mattress and curled up against her pillows.

“I’m being ridiculous. I should be relieved. I saw him with those women and I ran from everything his lifestyle represents didn’t I?”

“You did.”

“So why do I care that he decided I’m not worth it?”

“That’s not what he decided!” Ella exclaimed, shaking her head in frustration. “If I could wrap my hands around your father’s neck for all the insecurities he caused you, I would.”

Avery blinked back tears, surprised by the heavy emotion in her friend’s voice.

“I’ve known you for a long time and you’ve told me things your siblings don’t even know, right?”

Avery nodded. Ella had always been her safe place. Grey had too … once. She pushed the thought aside.

“Then you know I’m right. You still feel like all you were worth to your dad was the bone marrow to save a sister you didn’t even know about. Then Grey left you to find fame and fortune and you’ve convinced yourself nobody views you as worthy enough. Well I’m here to tell you that you are.” She grasped Avery’s hands. “Mr. Tangled Royal would be lucky to have you in his life. Not the other way around.”

Avery blew out a deep breath. “You’re right. Dealing with him has made me feel like I’m back in high school all over again and I’m not. I’ve moved on.”

Ella eyed her with a mixture of amusement and laughter. “Now I don’t know if I’d go that far.”

Avery smacked her with the nearest throw pillow and her friend laughed.

“But I would say you’ve grown up a lot since you two saw each other last. With a little luck, so has he. So if he does get in touch and he wants to get together, I think you owe it to yourself to meet up with him. Think closure, if nothing else.”

“When did you get so smart?” Avery asked.

“The day you became my best friend.” Ella grinned. “Besides it’s easy to give advice to someone else about their love life.”

As open as Ella was with most things, she didn’t talk much about her own guy situation. Mainly because she claimed there wasn’t anything to discuss, which made no sense because Ella was pretty, sweet, and any time she dressed up, she outshined everyone around her. She deserved a great man in her life.

“Anything you want to talk about?” Avery asked, hoping for once her friend would open up.

“Nope. I actually have to get to work. I promised my boss I’d meet with a new photographer she’s considering hiring.” Ella was an assistant to an up and coming fashion designer based out of Miami. Another reason they were such good friends, they shared a love of clothes, makeup and design.

“Okay, well thanks for the talk,” Avery said.

“Any time.” Ella pushed herself off the bed just as Avery’s cell dinged from across the room, announcing a text.

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