Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4) - Page 5

I took a swallow of the cold beer, the icy liquid soothing my throat. Hunter had been right. I needed this to put out the fire.

I sighed, rolling my shoulders.

“Was that a hard thing for you?” he asked. “Acting like a bitch?”

“I wasn’t acting like a bitch. I was dealing with a problem. One you benefited from, I might add,” I snapped, my good humor evaporating. “Just because a woman stands up for what is right doesn’t make her a bitch.”

He held up his hands. “Sorry, wrong word. But for the record, I liked it. I like strong women. You were—” he paused as if searching for a word “—magnificent.”

“Oh.” That word took the anger away.

“In control, direct, assertive, and yes, a bit bitchy. The perfect combination to take down that little fucker.”

“It’s not something I enjoy,” I admitted.

“But something you had to do. I get it.”

The nachos arrived, and with a wide smirk, he handed me a plate. “Dig in, Little Dragon. No need for any more fire today.”

“Stop calling me that,” I protested, even though I had to admit, said in his low voice, I sort of liked it.

“It suits you.”

I rolled my eyes, refusing to show my pleasure. No one, aside from my dad, had ever called me by a nickname until now.

We were quiet as we ate, the spicy jalapenos cooled by the sour cream. He ordered us another beer, and I sipped the smooth ale gratefully.

“You live around here?” he asked.

I nodded. “All my life.” I wiped my mouth with a paper napkin, pushing away my plate. “You’re new to the area?”

He looked over my shoulder, a faraway look on his face. “Just passing through. Visiting some…old memories,” he finished, his voice rough.

I felt a flash of disappointment. “So, you’re not staying around?”

He met my eyes over his beer bottle. “No, I’ll be gone soon, I think.”

“So, what did you need plans for?”

He drummed his fingers on the table. “To fix an investment. Once it’s done, I’m gone.”

“I see.”

He barked out a laugh. “I doubt it.”

He studied me for a moment, then crossed his arms and leaned across the table. “I have a room upstairs. Come there with me.”

I blinked. “What?”

“Come upstairs with me. Spend the night.”

I shook my head. “I don’t sleep with people I just met. Especially ones who aren’t sticking around long.”

He sat back, running his finger along his lips. “Do you always deny yourself what you want?”

“I don’t recall saying I wanted you.”

“You didn’t have to. Your body and your eyes said it enough.”

“Think a lot of yourself, don’t you?”

He shrugged. “Not really. But I certainly think a lot of you every time our eyes meet. I see what you’re thinking, and you want me as much as I want you.”

“You really should have checked your ego at the door,” I said dryly, even as I clutched my hands into fists on my lap because he was right.

I did want him.

I wanted to feel his lips on mine. Find out how hard those thighs were. The strength of the muscles I could see flexing on his chest. When he had pulled off his jacket before sitting down, the way his arms bulged was sexy. I wanted to see how the ice-blue of his eyes would burn with passion.

He shrugged. “Your choice.” He sat back, perusing me with those dangerous eyes. “What a shame. I bet we’d be an inferno.”

I stood, brushing off my skirt, hoping I looked calm. Inside, I was anything but. His words had stirred up the fire, and I wanted nothing more than to yank his face to mine and kiss him. But I didn’t do that sort of thing.

I regretted letting my guard down in the past. I had learned my lesson.

“As you said, I’ve breathed enough fire for the day,” I quipped lightly. I reached for my purse, but his hand on my wrist stopped me. I looked down where his long fingers encircled my wrist, barely touching my flesh, yet it felt as if he had branded me with the heat of his hand.

“My treat. The least I could do for you for helping me.”

I nodded, feeling strangely upset as I stuck out my hand. “Nice to have met you, Hunter. Thanks for the beer.”

He tilted his head, studying me, then shaking my hand and dropping it. “Thanks for the company.”

I nodded and walked out of the bar, the sun still in the sky but not as bright. My footsteps were slow as I headed to my SUV, tossing my purse into the passenger side. I paused before getting into the vehicle, something tugging in my chest. Once again, I leaned against the side, letting the warm air drift around me, trying to find my center. It was several moments before I opened my eyes.

Hunter appeared around the corner, his gaze locked on mine. Even across the parking lot, I could feel him, his intensity evident in his walk and the way he carried himself. A tremor went down my spine as he headed my way. He stopped inches from me. His gaze burned me with its intensity.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024