Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4) - Page 6

“Are you following me?” I asked.

He indicated the stairs to the right. “The rooms of this fine establishment are accessible only from the back. I was headed upstairs.”


“Not much of a hotel selection around here.”

I didn’t tell him that would be changing once ABC was done with their projects. I only hummed in agreement.

Our gazes locked, the heat building between us once again. I felt his stare deep inside me, desire unfurling in long, tugging ribbons.

“Are you always this stubborn?” he asked.



I wasn’t sure who moved first, but the next thing I knew, my arms were locked around his neck, and he held me tight to his chest, his lips crashing down on mine.

His hold was too tight and aggressive, his mouth ruthless as he took mine.

It was perfect.

Chapter 3


The moment I saw her, I wanted her. There was something so undeniably sexy about a woman in a business suit. Her skirt was knee-length, her jacket done up, and her hair swept away from her face—nothing at all obvious or eye-catching.

Except, with her, everything was.

Her beautiful eyes, creamy skin, the hints of purple I could see twisted into a knot on her head. And that mouth.

That sassy, full mouth that taunted me immediately.

I had been so pissed off coming out of the town hall, needing to get even more damn paperwork from the truck, I hadn’t seen her. I was glad I hadn’t hurt her.

Now, I had her in my arms, and my hips were pinning her against the side of her car as I kissed her passionately.

Her mouth was hot and spicy, the same, no doubt, as mine, but there was something else, something uniquely Ava. It was addictive, and I pushed closer, wanting more.

At six foot four, I guessed her height around five seven or eight. I still towered over her, but she wasn’t so short I had to bend. She made the softest noise in her throat—almost a purr—and I wanted to hear more of it. I wanted to know what she sounded like in the heat of passion.

With me.

I dragged my mouth to her ear. “Upstairs. Come upstairs with me.”

She turned her head, pressing her mouth to mine again, and I let her lead, enjoying the strokes of her tongue and how she explored me. I wanted her to explore every inch of me. I wanted to do the same for her.

Then a car pulled into the parking lot, honking its horn loudly. “Woo-hoo!” some asshole yelled out, banging on the side of his vehicle. “Free show!”

Ava pulled back, startled, looking around, blinking and confused. I couldn’t help but smile at her bewilderment.

I tugged her hand. “Come on.”

She looked at me, her eyes now clear and panicked.

“No,” she said emphatically.

Immediately, I dropped my hands, holding them up. I stood back. “Okay,” I agreed.

I knew no meant no, and I wasn’t the sort of man that thought otherwise.

“I’m sorry. I mean, I can’t. I don’t…” She trailed off. “I don’t do this.”

I rested my hands on my hips. “If it makes you feel any better, neither do I.” I studied her for a moment. “You seem to be the exception, Little Dragon.”

She drew in a deep breath. “It’s just hero worship.”

I lifted one eyebrow. “Beg your pardon?”

“Back there, at city hall. I helped you. It made me, ah, attractive.”

I threw back my head in laughter.

“What happened back there was a spectacle worth seeing. But that’s not what made you attractive. You need to look in the mirror more.”

She furrowed her brow, and I backed up. “You sure?” I teased, knowing the moment had passed. Regretful, but that was how it went sometimes.

“Yeah, I am,” she said, but I heard the trace of remorse in her voice.

“No problem.” I turned and headed toward the stairs. “Nice encounter with you, Ava.”

“Is that what you’ll call it?” she asked, sounding curious.

I paused and looked back at her. Her cheeks were flushed, her mouth swollen from mine. Her hair was no longer perfect, one long strand hanging on the left side to her shoulder.

“No.” I winked before I walked away. “I’ll think about it as one of the greatest kisses that got me nowhere—ever.”

I didn’t wait to see how she would respond. I bounded up the stairs and turned the corner before I could change my mind and ask her again.

I wasn’t the begging sort.

I waited and heard the sound of a door closing and a car backing away. I peered around the corner, watching her leave, the taste of regret strong. I headed to the room I’d had for the last few nights, avoiding my final destination for as long as I could.

Inside the room, my one real constant waited for me. He lifted his head, his tail wagging fast as I walked in. He leaped off the bed, greeting me enthusiastically. I patted his head, his amber eyes gentle and patient.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024