Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4) - Page 60

He nodded. “They’re decent, but you’ll wait awhile.”

I shrugged, unsure what to say.

“You could let me have a look,” Ronan offered quietly. “I’m good.”

I felt Ava’s eyes on me, and I sensed her sudden tension.

“If you wanted to, I suppose I could.”

“Great. I’ll come over later and check it out.”


They finished their snack and coffee and stood to leave. “See you kids later.” Liam winked.

I chuckled as Ava flipped him the bird. I grabbed the bill before they could, shaking my head. “On me,” I insisted.

They thanked me and left. For a moment, I contemplated moving to the other side of the booth, then changed my mind. I liked sitting beside her, feeling her leg pressed against mine. Ava finished her coffee, then wiped her mouth.

“That was unexpected.”

“The visit, or the fact that I didn’t shut Ronan down?” I asked honestly.


I drained my mug. “I’m just letting him have a look. No harm in that. He’s your brother. Even Milly mentioned him this morning.”

She turned, meeting my gaze fully. “Thank you.”

I shifted. “It’s just a look. Don’t expect anything.”

“I don’t. I don’t expect anything from you. I know you’re only passing through and what is between us is a for-now sort of thing. But I still appreciate you bending on this.”

Her simple acceptance made me smile. “Why is this so important to you?”

She shrugged. “I’ve always loved the property. I just want to make sure it’s given the best. And Ronan is the best.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond. Her words were honest and real. Her next statement surprised me with its intuitiveness.

“You can visit anytime, Hunter. And I want to see you when I feel like it too. It doesn’t mean I think there’s more between us than there is. It just means we like spending time together. Nothing wrong with that. We’re big people, and we both know what’s happening.”

She glanced at her watch. “I have to go.”

I paid the bill and followed her out. She dug in her purse for her keys, looking up when I grasped her elbow. “I missed you last night too.”

She smiled, although it looked forced. “Well, you know where I am.” She pressed a kiss to my cheek. “Thanks for breakfast. Have fun with Ronan.”

I snorted and watched her drive away.

I felt conflicted as I slid behind the wheel of the truck. She was basically giving me permission to fuck her anytime with no strings. And telling me if she was in the mood, she’d visit me for the same thing. She knew we had an expiry date, and she was okay with that. It was a perfect scenario.

Why, then, did I feel so torn up about it?

* * *

I finished drilling a deck board in place and lifted my water, draining the bottle. As with every job I was doing on my own, it took longer, but in the end, it would be worth it. The house would be fixed up and should provide a nice income for me, plus a place I could return to if I wanted. I wiped the sweat off my brow. I’d never had a home base. A steady source of income. I had done a lot of research, and properties around here fetched a good rate for summer and fall rentals. I would have to hire a company to look after the paperwork and keep the place clean, but there would still be money coming into the bank.

The thought of leaving did something odd to my chest. I had to admit I liked it here. The peace and quiet. The water. Even the little town.

And there was no denying the biggest draw of them all. Ava.

Leaving her behind was not going to be easy, but we had no future. She loved her family, her life, and her job. She was settled and content. I had no idea how to be part of a relationship, never mind a family. I never settled anywhere. My life was a string of endless jobs, people I met but never got to know, and no roots. The only things I could count on were my truck and Cash—and even those wouldn’t be around forever. I also knew once I left, even if I came back, there would be no picking up the threads with Ava. Whether she knew it or not, she wasn’t that sort of woman. She needed someone who fit into her life. Who would meld into her family.

That certainly wasn’t me. I knew it and accepted it, but still, the thought of not seeing her left me with a strange feeling.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. That was a few weeks, maybe months from now. I still had a lot of work ahead of me to get this place done.

After we’d finished eating, she went off to her meeting, and once I finished my errands, I came here and started working. I enjoyed the unexpected chance to see her again. Even though it had only been a short time since I’d seen her, I liked having a meal with her and talking. Even if her pain-in-the-ass brothers showed up. They were decent guys.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024