Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4) - Page 61

I headed to the pile and grabbed the next board, getting ready to cut it. A truck pulled into the driveway, and I stopped, watching as Ronan and Liam climbed from the vehicle. I shut off the saw and waited as they approached. Ronan carried a clipboard and a laser measure, a pencil tucked behind his ear. They had changed and were both in T-shirts and jeans.

I nodded as they came close. Cash wove around their legs, accepting pats and attention like it was his due. The damned dog seemed to love Ava’s family. Traitor.

Ronan whistled. “Wow, that is some porch. Love it.”

“Thanks. Want to make the most of the space and view.”

“Absolutely.” He indicated the house. “Show me.”

For the next half an hour, I showed him and Liam the house and the plans, including the ones Ava had sketched out. Ronan was quick to see what I was trying to accomplish and added a few of his own suggestions. His hand flew over the paper on his clipboard, and he showed me a few ideas. I was impressed with his instinct and had to admit I liked his concepts. Inside, he had some thoughts.

“You should blow out that wall and add to the guest room. Extend the porch so it wraps around the whole house. Take advantage of the views there too.” He scratched his neck. “Ava says you plan on renting the place. Views sell.”

“Hadn’t thought of that.”

“I know our rental units that do best lean toward luxury rustic. The cabin feel, but with all the amenities. Views, screened-in porches, modern appliances. The hot tub will be a big hit.” He gazed around the property. “No room for a pool, but there is the beach.” He indicated the small patch of sand and rock on the opposite side of the bluff.

“It needs a set of stairs to get to it,” I pointed out. “My grandfather never developed it. It’ll have to wait awhile since it’s not in the budget.”

“I assume you’ll advertise it as an adult getaway?”

I nodded, reluctant to talk too much about my plans. I had no idea that the company they had held rental properties.

Ronan let it go, not pushing me. “Let me have a few days, Hunter. I’ll show you my ideas on paper. If you like them, great. If not, no worries.”

“You sure you have time?”

He smiled, the brilliance of it reminding me of Ava’s beam. “This is easy. Move a couple of walls, throw up a few others. Now, if you wanted a whole new house, that would be different. And your spec drawings help a lot. I’ll do a basic draft, and you can look it over.”

I hesitated, my instinct about never accepting help, never trusting anyone, kicking in. Then I thought of Ava and how much it would mean to her. “Okay.”

“Great.” He clapped me on the shoulder, and we headed outside.

Liam, who had been quiet in the house, spoke up. “A little grunt work out here could make this a nice space. Clear out those dead trees, add a little patch of cedars here, maybe some flowering bushes over there. Some easy to care for planters on the deck and porch would add a nice touch.”

“Thanks for the ideas.”

They walked toward the truck, and I was surprised when they tossed the clipboard and other items in and both snapped on tool belts and headed back toward me. I narrowed my eyes.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“Helping you with the porch.”

“I didn’t ask for help.”

Ronan shook his head. “We know that. But think of how much quicker it would go. Liam can cut, you and I can install. Three sets of hands will make it go three times faster.”

“Maybe I like to work on my own.”

Liam scoffed. “We get the loner aspect, Hunter. But we’re not trying to encroach on your property. We’re not here to twist your arm or get you to sell to us. We understand you’re not interested. We’re here as neighbors and Ava’s brothers.”

“Ava and I are not a couple.”

Ronan snorted, covering his mouth and coughing something that sounded like bullshit into his hand, then he shrugged. “Whatever you are is between you and my sister. But we’re still neighbors, and that’s what neighbors do. Help one another. Plus, it’s a great afternoon, and I feel like swinging a hammer and sweating. You gonna let us or what?”

“Fine,” I agreed grudgingly.

“Great. Hit the tunes, and let’s get at this.”

Chapter 15


At eight o’clock, I stood under the hot spray of the shower, grateful as the warmth sank into my tired muscles. Ronan and Liam were surprisingly easy to work with, and we got along well, the afternoon flying by. I was shocked when I realized we’d finished all the boards and reattached the wide steps I’d built the day before. Another pleasant surprise was the fact that neither of them were chatterers. They concentrated on the job. Often the only sounds aside from the music I had playing were one of us calling out measurement confirmations, the occasional grunt, and the noises of the saw and drills. I did chuckle a few times when I noticed we all had the habit of singing along to the music. At six, pizza arrived I hadn’t ordered, and Ronan lifted one shoulder with a smirk.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024