Tell Me You Want Me (Search and Seduce 2) - Page 21

She frowned. Remembering why this man was so irritating. “You’re welcome?” she repeated and crossed her arms. “You didn’t do me any favors. You tricked me.”

“I kept you safe, and you survived,” he said plainly. “Didn’t matter how far we went into the woods.”

“Well, then I should thank you, because getting away this morning quickly was much easier with my car.”

He raised a brow. “Oh, yeah? You were so excited to run from me, huh? Last night was too dirty for you, princess?”

She swallowed hard. Yes, it had been too dirty. Dirtier than anything she’d ever done, and she’d never felt more alive. And deep down, she wanted to get that dirty again. Instead of admitting to that, or answering his question, she went with, “I was just seeing through my end of the bargain.”

“Bargain?” he said. “Did you take notes on that, too?”

He reached down and picked up her notebook she dropped. When she tried to snatch it away, he lingered a minute. He got a good look at her sexy list and unleashed a full-blow grin.

“I may have jotted down a couple things,” she mumbled and shoved the book in her purse.

“It looked like to me you jotted down a few more desires you’re looking to fulfill.” He held out his arms. “Well look no further, princess.”

Great, between his sexy swagger and confidence, she was having a hard time remaining objective. Getting into any kind of repeat hangout session with G.I. Joe was not a good idea. She wanted experiences, but with the same guy? No, that would equal a relationship, and she wouldn’t make that mistake again.

She needed to stop staring at him though, because aside from adding to her list of fantasies, she couldn’t stop thinking about how her body had been on fire in the best way. What aspects of this frustrating man brought out the animal in her. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that.

“Did you come here to rehash last night? Or do you have a purpose?” she asked.

He frowned hard at her. She knew she was using her “snotty” tone. She wasn’t trying to be mean, but he was goading her. She had to get space from him, because he was all rough and sexy and God, she wanted to get dirty again. Really, really badly. Which meant he needed to leave before she threw herself at him.

“I came here to start our next six hours together,” he said.

“Beg your pardon?” she asked quickly.

He took another step toward her, and she held on to the door handle tightly as he got even closer. That scent, his masculine pine mixed with her lilacs danced around him, and she saw the small fingernail marks she’d made on his shirt.

“I have to provide training for eighteen hours to a novice. You made it twelve. So you owe me six.”

She laughed. “I owe you?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Now it was her turn to ask obvious questions like he had last night. “You’re aware you’re standing in my home right now, right?”

“Yes,” he said.

“And you just assume I’ll give you six hours of my time for you to train me?”


“Have you lost your mind?” she asked honestly.

He looked at her for a moment, considering her question. “I think I’ve regained most of it.”


He grinned, his lips hovering closer to hers. “Yeah, regained. Because last night my mind took off on me and I could only think with my—”

“I get it,” she interrupted quickly. She knew the feeling, because her mind had taken off on her last night, too, and honestly, she hadn’t regained it completely yet.

“Well I appreciate your diligence, but I’m fine forgoing the six hours.”

“I’m not,” he said. “Like it or not, princess, you’re stuck with me until your training is done.”

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025