Tell Me You Want Me (Search and Seduce 2) - Page 22

“Why? I don’t want to be trained. It was one night.”

“Well, I need to finish this so I can get recertified. So six hours of your time is now my time. When can you start?”

She shook her head, her mouth hanging open. He couldn’t be serious. But the look on his face was just that.

“I can’t start. I have a life. A store to run. I’m not going to give you my time so you can teach me how to—”

“Get dirty?” he said with a wink.

“Yes,” she said with barely any confidence. Because man oh man did another wild, dirty night sound fun. “I think you demonstrated your skill in that department last night.”

“And you were an exceptional student,” he whispered. “But I still need more.”

Her lips parted, and she leaned in just a little…

“Of your time,” he finished and took a step back. “And judging by that growing list of yours, you could use some more of my time and expertise as well. Think of this as a mutual exchange.”

“Maybe I’m looking for someone else to fulfill my To Do list on.” The moment she said that, she regretted it. Partly because his eyes flared in a

way she didn’t know was possible, and also because she knew deep down Dex could put her To Do list to shame.

“That right?” he said with a low rasp. “Tell you what then, princess. I’ll make a wager with you. If I’m right in my theory, you finish these six hours with me.”

She raised her chin, waiting for this theory of his.

“I get access to you, your body, and your studious mind for these last six hours of training…” he clarified.

“If?” she asked. Because there was always an if.

“If,” he said, his tone dark and sexy, “my name is somewhere in that book of yours.”

Her face fell, and her eyes shot wide. She’d been writing about him all morning. About how he moved, smelled, kissed. At least five pages alone had the name DEX scribbled on them. And yep, too late, Dex had seen them. He was grinning, victorious.

“Judging by your expression, princess, I’d say I’m right. You ready to tackle these lists of yours?” He tossed her a wink, then finished with, “Or you wanna back out and run away?”

She stifled a growl. He was playing with her. Like he had last night. Taking joy in watching her struggle with her “survival skills,” only for him to swoop in and save the day. Not this time.

“What I’m running is late. Good luck finding someone else to inflict those six hours on.”

“Sorry, princess, you’re the only one I can inflict that on. We’re already over half done. I’m not giving up on you. It’s becoming increasingly clear that you’re seeking independence and experiences. I’m the man for the job.”

She grabbed her purse and was ready to walk past him. “Like I said, I’m busy.”

“Well then, I hope you enjoy your new shadow because one thing about me? I don’t give up easily.”

She believed him. But she held on to her gumption and walked out, shutting and locking her door. She took off down the street toward her little boutique that she was now ten minutes late in opening.

One thing he’d said stuck in her mind. He didn’t give up easily. Technically, she hadn’t finished her training, and that bugged her. It was just another notch in the not so independent person she was trying to become. It also bugged her that Dex was annoying, cocky and way, way too sexy to be legal. She wanted to experience the extent of her sexy list with him, but she couldn’t commit to more than that. And with this arrangement, she’d be at his mercy for the most part. That didn’t sit well. A flash of him tying her up and dominating her body made a rush of wet heat hit between her thighs. Okay, the thought wasn’t all that bad.

Still…this was a bad idea.

She didn’t chance looking behind her, because one more run in with the sexy search and rescuer, and she just might cave and let him train her…all night.

Chapter Five

“Oooh, I love this one!” Natalie said and twirled in a little pink dress.

“I just got that in last week,” Michelle replied. Natalie and Chloe had made her feel welcome since she’d first moved to Beaufort. Now, a few months later, they were all great friends, something Michelle had never had before.

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025