Tell Me You Want Me (Search and Seduce 2) - Page 30

“Scream,” she said in a muffled tone.

“Good girl.” With one arm fastened around her back, he reached between them to cup her throat. The footsteps were finally gone. “Now, scream for me.”

“Dex!” She released his shoulder, threw her head back, and yelled to the ceiling. “Oh, God, please, Dex.”

His big hand was cupping her throat, and she felt his smile against her neck as he kissed her jaw, her ear, her cheek.

With his lips against her ear, he rasped, “I can’t hear you, Princess. Is that all you’ve got?” He thrust harder. Faster. Over and over. Sweat slicking his body and hers. “How would I find you with those weak little pleas of yours?”

“Dex, please, please…” Her blood was boiling with pleasure. Her entire core melting for him as he owned her body. She couldn’t hold off the explosion. Her climax swept her up, her ass banging against the counter and Dex’s tight hold on her.

“Please, oh God, Dex…please.”

“Please what?” he growled.

“Please come for me.”

He kissed her hard on the lips. His big hand clamped on her throat, but he wasn’t hurting her. He was keeping her in his grasp. Commanding. And he did what she asked to do.

His big body shook and all those muscles contracted against her skin. She felt it from his lips to where he was buried inside of her. His release was powerful. And she felt empowered by it. She’d begged for it. Called out for it.

With several deep breaths, he slowly unfastened his grip from her and pulled away just enough to look in her eyes. She was caught up in the wild green. Like the wilderness. He was so good at dominating.

“See,” he said with a sinful smile. “Training with me isn’t so bad, is it?”

No, it wasn’t. It was hot and wild and made her lose her mind and her senses. And she still had four more hours to go…

Chapter Seven

“Range is cold,” Dex called out. Even though shooting at the gun range had nothing to do with being cold outside, the term was used when no one had guns pointed or loaded. It wa

s just him and East at the shooting range, but safety came first, especially with guns.

“So, you seem extra chipper this morning,” East said and started loading his 9MM.

Dex tried not to grin. He was especially chipper this morning. Considering he’d spent last night having a sexy city woman wrapped around him while he got to pleasure and torture her a bit. And it counted for his hours since he’d technically trained so…yeah, chipper was an understatement.

“Just having a good day,” Dex admitted and loaded his own gun. Getting ready for another round.

East was in the slot next to him. Even on their days off, they seemed to dress alike. Granted, when they weren’t in their SAR gear, jeans and a T-shirts weren’t that fashion forward. Still, he thought of all that lace and silk in Michelle’s shop and wondered what all of it would look like on her. He was partial to her naked, spread out, and moaning, but that was just him.

“So does this mood have anything to do with the beauty-shop hottie?”

“It’s a boutique,” Dex said.

East just chuckled. “Forgive me. I forgot you like ‘em high class.”

Dex shook his head. He did like them high class…and way out of his league. Which was why he was keeping this strictly professional with Michelle. Well, professional with sex. She’d made it clear last night that he’d have to exchange hours for hours. Her list for his training. And he was fine with that. Kept everything surface and on a time limit. As soon as his recertification was done and her list was complete, so were they.

Because it was about more than just a time limit. She didn’t want anything more, and he knew better than to expect it.

Managing expectations was a good thing. Reminded him what this really was and who he really was. Which was not Michelle’s type. He wanted her for the training hours and her sexy little moans, and she wanted him for her check mark obsession, fun, and pleasure.

“I’m finishing my training on her so I can get recertified.”

“Uh-huh,” East said with a knowing glance.

“Fine. And I’m enjoying her company in the meantime,” he said honestly. And maybe too innocently, because he was more than enjoying her company. Hell, he was pretty sure he hadn’t slept since he’d left her last night. Every time he closed his eyes, he smelled lilacs and saw her sweet face and tempting body. She was in his pores, and he hadn’t felt this good in a while.

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025