Tell Me You Want Me (Search and Seduce 2) - Page 31

Don’t forget this girl is gone as soon as her training is complete.

He’d repeated that to himself a million times. She didn’t want a relationship, and he didn’t have one to offer. That didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy this while it lasted. That was his specialty, after all.

“Uh-huh,” East said again and snapped the loaded clip into place. “So this training you’re doing, how’s it going? Can the girl find her way out of a forest?”

With the way she can scream?

She wouldn’t have to. Dex would find her in no time. The memory made him smile.

Damn, I love her screaming my name…

His fingertips practically hummed with the anticipation of touching her again.

“She definitely has some skills at getting what she wants.”

East faced him. “Still, survival skills are a good thing to know. I hope you’re being thorough.”

That made Dex think. Oh, he was being thorough, but maybe it was time to step up Michelle’s training and see what she could really be capable of.

“Range is hot,” Dex called out, shoving his clip into the gun and taking aim at the target in front of him. He had some ideas for Perfect-Ass Barbie. Now he just needed her to come over to his side of the wilderness.

Tactile Training…

Michelle reread the text Dex had sent yesterday over and over. What the hell was “tactile training?” Whatever it was, he’d invited her over to his place to “train” her on this, and now, standing out front of his rustic cabin on the edge of town, she was wondering how deep she’d gotten herself.

She wanted to be there, partly out of curiosity and partly because Dex made her feel alive. Like she was adventurous and fun. And he was incredibly hot, with a mouth that defied the best fantasy she’d ever had.

He was good at what he did and good at making her body tremble. He was also good at knocking her list all to hell. There were only a few fantasies left, and with the way he worked her over, she had no doubt the rest of her sexy list would be tackled, literally, in no time.

So yeah, she showed up and was now standing outside his door. But she wouldn’t knock until she felt certain she would be able to keep some kind of control.

Yes, she was having fun. Feeling independent, adventurous, and for the first time, truly happy. She was feeling like a capable woman. Natalie had been right. Why not? This wasn’t long term. This wasn’t even a relationship. Because that would go against her one item on the To Don’t list. He needed her time for his recertification, and she wanted his attention to check off her list. It all worked out. Still didn’t mean she was in to him per se. She was just enjoying it while it lasted, which was perfectly fine. So long as she kept her emotions in check. Because Dex was good at a lot of things, and she found herself actually liking him.

Kind of.

Wait, no, she didn’t “like” him, surely.

Okay, she liked him.

A little.

But he still annoyed her, and she was hoping for a chance to maybe bind him up and make him scream her name for a change. Not that she minded the other way around. But just the thought of having another “training session” with Dex had her skin already flushing. Maybe she could cross off her “take control and ride him like a bull” fantasy tonight.

With a deep breath, she knocked on the door.

“I was wondering when you were finally going to come in,” he said, opening the door. Had he seen her pacing on the porch? Judging by the grin on his face, yeah, he had.

And yet, he’d let her take her time. Like he’d known she was able to make that decision herself.

“Just mentally prepping,” she said.

“Oh yeah? You going to tell me what you have to mentally prep for?”

“You, mostly,” she said honestly.

He held the door open and let her in.

“Now I’m very intrigued,” he said with a smile. She tried not to notice how his shirt pulled tight across his chest or his dimples flashed with genuine interest. Interest in her. But her body noticed. So much that it made her chest feel tighter than normal and her heart skip a couple times. Man, she liked being looked at like that. Like he could actually see her, and she wasn’t invisible or standard or boring.

Tags: Joya Ryan Search and Seduce Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025