A Piece of Heaven (Allendale Four 1) - Page 21

He didn’t respond.

“Fuck you.” I stood up, grabbed my books and walked out of class.

Chapter 7

Since I left during the middle of class, the hallway was quiet. I couldn’t actually leave school—the last thing I wanted was to get in real trouble. I pushed open the door to the girl’s room. Refuge.

“Heaven Reeves.” I heard my name called the minute I walked into the tiny, cold, cinderblock room. Amber Wasserman was standing with her back to the row of sinks along the wall.

“Hey, Amber.”

“Whatever Heaven, don’t ’hey’ me.”

I looked at the girl in front of me. Amber had a reputation for advocacy and activism. She led the environmental club, the National Organization of Women chapter, and she always wore some kind of feminist shirt to school. The one today was gray with just “girl power” across the front. She was definitely a little on edge. She was also apparently very angry with me.

I sighed dramatically, over her drama already. I was furious with Anderson and more than a little hurt. The last thing I wanted to deal with was her issues. I walked over to the mirrors and I smoothed the collar of my shirt. “What’s the problem?’


I rolled my eyes. I really didn’t feel like delving into her drama right now. “Spit it out, Amber.”

“Leave Ben alone.”

Ben? I almost laughed. He was so not of interest to me. Had she not heard? I had the Allendale Four following me around. Sure, they only wanted to be friends—sweet protectors of the innocent and weak, but still. I didn’t laugh, though. Amber’s fists were balled by her sides and I didn’t want to get punched in the face.

Instead I smiled and said, “Sure. No problem.”

“I’m serious. I saw you two talking earlier.”

“Yeah, Amber,” I shook my head. “He asked if I would let him borrow my homework. Is that a crime? What’s it to you, anyway? You dump him every other week. Everyone knows you treat him like shit.” I turned to face the mirror, fixing my hair. “Seems to me if you don’t want anyone else to have a shot with him, then you better lock that shit up.”

That shut her up, because other than staring at me with her jaw hung open, she simply grabbed her bag and ran out of the room in a huff.

“Psycho,” I muttered, giving her a little space before I walked out the door. To my surprise Oliver was standing in the hall, eyebrows raised.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, I’m just doing what I do best—making enemies.” I told him, feeling tears

burn at the corner of my eyes. He slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me tight. He smelled good and his body felt perfect next to mine. So perfect that I didn’t even care when we rounded the corner and the whispers started.

Let them whisper.

I had The Four at my back.


“What are you doing out here?”

I turned and stared at Hayden. We were on friendlier terms since the impromptu pizza night at my house, but otherwise I’d never been alone with him. Not until now.

“What are you doing out here?” I shot back, before I thought about it. Of all the boys, Hayden intimidated me the most.

Oliver was a teddy bear.

Jackson was genuinely nice, even if he couldn’t take his eyes off my chest.

Anderson…he was Anderson. Less scary, more annoying. I was slowly figuring him out. Maybe.

Tags: Angel Lawson Allendale Four Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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