The Road To Heaven (Allendale Four 3) - Page 49

“For who?” His lips were red. Wet.

“For me. You. All of us.”

“Have you broached this with the others? Did something happen with Hayden the other night?”

“No!” I said too harshly. “No. He has Sabine. Which,” I admit, “makes it easier in some ways.”


I shook my head. There hadn’t been an opportunity.


I gave him a look. He smiled. Anderson was a case of his own.

“So just us.”

“Just us,” I responded. My heart raced in my chest. I thought about him naked. I thought about his mouth. His eyes flicked from my chest to my lips, over and over, and I knew he couldn’t stop himself either.

A crash followed by a shout bounced up the hallway. Jackson’s eyes shifted, looking past me, listening to the voices.

“Go,” I told him. “Take care of business.”

“And us?”

I swallowed. “We’ll finish this later.”


I nodded, feeling muddled by hormones and lust. We were using the word ‘finish’, but we both knew that most likely this was nothing more than the start of something new, something different.



Lea had the bright idea to host a game night. Already she and RJ were into “coupley” ideas, but what with still wanting their privacy intact, most were on the down-low, out of the public eye. Which was great, she told me, because who didn’t want alone time with their new boyfriend? So anyway, would I come to her game night? And bring the guys.

“You want me to bring the guys?” I asked, suspiciously.

“Well the three that are here. RJ really likes them. He thinks Jackson and Oliver are incredibly smart with their gym. I think he’s bummed he can’t be an investor.”

“And Hayden?”

“Oh,” she replied with a laugh. “RJ is completely star-struck by Hayden. He wants him to come so he can bask in his athletic prowess.”

I sighed. “Fine. I’ll invite them but be forewarned, they’re all extremely competitive. Like obnoxiously so.”

She smiled happily and gave me a thumbs up. “Gotcha.”

That was how we ended up sitting around a large leather ottoman in RJ Malone’s studio apartment playing a crazy card game three days later.

RJ and Lea did invite a few other people. Carter, one of the co-stars from work, and his girlfriend-of-the-week Lacy. Lacy wasn’t very into the game and thankfully seemed more into Carter than any of the boys.

Not that I had a claim over anyone. Officially. Anymore.


After a few rounds, everyone was out of the game except RJ, Oliver, Lea, and Hayden. Neither Lacy or Carter seemed to care, they were more into snuggling up on the couch and watching videos on a single phone. Jackson was a little put out that he hadn’t made it to the next round, mostly because he’s notoriously competitive, especially against Oliver. As the game continued and the remaining players fought bitterly over whose fictional character or situation trumped the other, I decided to take a break.

Tags: Angel Lawson Allendale Four Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024