Harvest of Love: Insta-Spark Collection - Page 42

He chuckled and brushed a kiss to her downy cheek. “Thanks, Mrs. M.”

She smiled at me. “Oh, hello. Are you new here?”

I wasn’t sure what to say, but Noah looped his arm around me, pulling me to his side. “This is my girlfriend, Dani. Dani, Mrs. M.” He smirked. “She is shameless in her desire for me.”

His teasing tone made me grin.

Mrs. M, who must have been seventy, laughed. “He’s right, dear. I’ve been after him since the husband departed for heaven.” She sighed heavily. “I suppose I didn’t stand a chance. All those casseroles were useless.” She shook her head, her eyes twinkling. “I can’t compete against such loveliness.”

Noah leaned over and kissed her again. “If it doesn’t work out, I’ll be around.”

“Oh, get away with you, scamp!” She laughed and I joined in.

The day was much the same. Some customers came in, but there were more neighbors and people dropping things off, coming in to check on Ray, the family, telling me to let them know what was needed. Many of them asked who I was, and since Noah had introduced me as such, I was comfortable saying I was his girlfriend and helping out. I received more hugs and kisses on the cheek in one day than I thought I had my entire life.

When Noah got back, Henry came into the store. I helped Callie and Noah in the kitchen and, later, waited tables. They ended dinner service at seven thirty and closed the place up quickly. They’d kept the menu small and easy with grilled items and fresh salads and vegetables. To make up for the simpler menu, they added dessert, and I whipped up a fast peach cobbler to serve with the ice cream.

After, Noah walked me to my car. He made sure I had eaten dinner with him and Callie in the kitchen. I had saved some cobbler for Ray since Ella had told me he loved cobbler, and Noah and Callie were going to go see him for a quick visit before visiting hours were over.

“They think he’ll be released in a day or two. They were worried about a concussion, but he seems okay so far. They’re going to watch him tonight and tomorrow and decide.”

I squeezed his hand. “That’s good.”

We reached my car.

“I wish I could come back with you,” he said.

“No, you’re exactly where you need to be.”

“About this weekend—”

I cut him off. “Noah, I understand. If it’s okay, I’ll come here and help. We can go away another time.”

“Next weekend,” he promised.

“Please stop worrying. Tomorrow will be fine, and I’ll be out on Thursday. You’ll get me all weekend. You’ll be sick of me.”

“Impossible.” He stroked my cheek. “I’ll make us a special dinner on Saturday. Here at the house. We’ll still celebrate.”

“Sounds lovely.”

“Dani, are you—”

I shook my head, cutting him off. “I’m fine. Lynn covered for me today, and tomorrow, I will be just fine. I have the weekend and you to look forward to.”

“And you’ll ask for your time off?”

“I already had Lynn forward the request. Carl will have Martin sign off on it.”

He pulled me into his arms. “Thank you for everything. Last night, today, this evening. Being here with me. Caring for my family.”

“You’re welcome.”

He bent his head, capturing my lips with his. His kiss was sweet and tender. Filled with emotion. Our mouths moved in perfect harmony, our tongues sliding with each other in a sensual dance of silent emotion. He tugged me closer, his arms banded around me, his warmth sinking into my skin. He surrounded me. His taste, his touch, his scent. Everything that was right and perfect in this world was holding me. I never wanted it to end.

But it had to. He pulled back, dropping little kisses to my face and running his nose along mine affectionately.

“I’m with you tomorrow, Dani. You call me when it’s done. You’ll be brilliant.”

I slid into the car, and he leaned down. “You have the GPS on your phone?”


“If you get lost, call me. I’ll come get you.”

I chuckled at his insistence. I was terrible with directions and getting lost. He saw that in Toronto and knew how much trouble I had finding my way here.

“I will.”

“Otherwise, call me when you hit the highway.”


He leaned in and kissed me again. “I’ll see you on Thursday.”

“Postponed?” I repeated. “The meeting’s been postponed?”

Lynn nodded. “Until three.”


“I have no idea. Carl just called.”

I slumped in my chair. I had arrived early, going through my notes, making sure I had all the files in order for when I needed them. I couldn’t afford to show any weakness where they were concerned. The owner ran the company with an iron fist, and his partners bowed to all his decisions. When I first started, I recalled wondering why he didn’t create instead of only dismantling companies. Expand and make something good even better instead of selling it off and only keeping the most profitable, but I had learned not to question how it was done.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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