Harvest of Love: Insta-Spark Collection - Page 43

There were times, though, I wondered how I had become the person who helped him narrow everything down to dollars and cents.

Lynn frowned. “Did you want a coffee? You already look exhausted.”

“That would be great.”

“Can I ask how your, ah, situation went?”

“Oh, Ray is doing well. He came through surgery and is recovering nicely.”

“And Ray is?”

“Noah’s nephew.”

She lifted her eyebrows. “Ah. You got close fast.”

“Yeah, we did. I want to buy him a get-well gift. What do teenagers like?”

She laughed. “Technology, food, and girls.”

I recalled Noah saying Ray liked anything gadgety. I wondered about something along those lines. I remembered watching some boys in the park play with their drones. I bet Ray would like that. I decided to check out the internet for some ideas.

Lynn brought me my coffee as I went through missed emails and voice messages. Most, I had taken care of in between customers at the store, but there were a few I had to be in the office to reply to. When I finished, I called Noah to tell him of the delay.

“So, you won’t be out tonight?” he asked, disappointment evident in his voice.

“It might be late, and I’m pretty tired,” I admitted. “It might be better for me to come in the morning.”

“Did you have trouble sleeping?”

“A little. My warm blanket was elsewhere,” I said lightly.

“I feel the same way about my favorite pillows.”

He made me smile.

“I have an appointment for you.”

My smile fell. “Noah—”

He cut me off. “You promised.”

Then he cursed. “Someone just came in. Call me after you’re done. We’ll figure it out. Are you okay, though?”

“I’m fine.”

He hung up and I sighed. I really didn’t want to go to the doctor, but I knew it would make Noah feel better. I could do that for him.

The day passed slowly, my nerves building as it went. I arrived in the boardroom early, taking in several deep, cleansing breaths. Remembering Noah’s advice, I concentrated on a good memory, finding a calm place in my mind and helping my body to relax. I had everything I needed. I had done all the work—my numbers were solid, and the recommendations would make Martin a great deal of money once he implemented them.

Money made Martin happy. And a happy Martin would sign my vacation request, and I could take some time and recover. That was all I needed—a break. I was sure of it.

Carl and his assistant came in, and my chest tightened. Lynn sat down beside me. My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I pulled it out, smiling at the text waiting for me from Noah.

You can do this, Dani. I know you can. So proud of you, Sprout. Call me when you’re done.

I had no time to reply as Martin strode in, flanked by his right-hands, Albert and Walter. All were dressed alike in black suits and expensive ties. I slipped my phone back into my pocket since Martin refused to allow anyone to have their phone on while in the boardroom.

Anyone except him, of course.

He sat at the head of the boardroom table, surveying everyone. He said only one thing. “I want the bottom line on every angle.”

I swallowed my nerves, opened the correct file, and fisted my hands on my lap, knowing every eye in the room was on me. I took a sip of water and fought back the anxiety that twisted and turned inside.

I could do this.

I had to.

Two hours later, Martin had decided to purchase yet another company which he would break up, sell the lesser profitable arms, and grow the stronger ones. Relieved, I gathered my files, knowing it was now in the hands of the lawyers and his team he deployed to handle the details. My job was done.

I made my way to my office, going directly to my private washroom. I splashed cold water on my pale face and held the edges of the vanity tightly, taking in several breaths. My neck and shoulders ached from the force of holding them upright. My throat felt tight from tamping down the tremor that kept creeping into my voice. My fingers ached from clenching them so tightly.

But I had done it.

It was over. I had made it through the meeting without an attack. It had taken every bit of my concentration and energy, but I had done it.

I made my way back to my desk. A few minutes later, Lynn knocked and came in, handing me a coffee and a sandwich.

“You haven’t eaten all day.”


“Well, it’s over. Eat.”

I smiled at her bossiness and picked up the sandwich, taking a bite. Compared to something Noah would have given me, it was tasteless. I made a face, dropping it back in the container. Wiping my fingers, I picked up my phone and texted him.


My phone rang right away.


“You okay, Dani?”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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