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Deep 6 (Multiple Love)

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"It looks like it's buzzing," Tyler says as he pulls into a vacant space and flicks off the ignition.

"Let's go and have a good time." I throw open the door and shake my head at my own flippancy. Who would have thought that I'd be this way? Not me. The thousands of conversations I had with Tyler in my head were never anything like this. But real life is often so different from imagination.

Tyler follows me into the hall as I scan the crowd for Carmella or Connie or another familiar face.

Carmella spots me first, though, barreling toward me with a plate filled with dessert. "Sandy." Her arms go around my chest, and I sink into my best friend's hug, so grateful to see her. I know the moment she spots Tyler because her whole body goes rigid. "What the fuck…?"

"It's a long story," I say quickly. "Don't make a scene. He drove me from the repair shop. I've told him I don't want to talk about anything…that we're just going to have a good time. When this celebration is done, I'll say what I need to say and walk away, okay?"

With her free hand, Carmella tucks a lock of my hair behind my ear with the tenderness of someone with love in their heart. "Protect that heart of yours, San San." Her use of my nickname brings back the burning sensation in my throat.

I nod firmly. "I will. I've gotten to be an expert at that."

Turning, I usher Tyler forward. "Tyler, you remember Carmella." He nods and has the decency to do it with shame on his handsome face. It's so weird to see him standing amongst my friends, as though I've portalled in Tyler's imaginary older brother.

"Tyler." Carmella nods once, telling Tyler with every fiber of her being that he's treading on thin ice.

"There you are." Derek appears next to his wife, handing her a long-stemmed glass of what looks like champagne.

There's a moment of awkwardness as we all stand in silence. Then Carmella springs to life. "Derek, this is Tyler."

Both men reach out politely to shake hands. "The Tyler?" he asks, glancing at his wife, and she nods. Derek's eyes open a little wider, then he smiles politely. "So you guys are back together?"

Trust a man to put his foot into it.

"Err, no darling," Carmella says, trying to rescue him. "Sandy's car broke down, and Tyler kindly offered to escort her."

"Well, that's good of you," Derek says, glancing between us as though he's hoping he'll be able to read our minds and find out what's really going on.

"Let's get something to eat," I say to Tyler. "And a drink. You must be starving."

I grab his hand out of instinct, and the feel of his big rough palm in mine is overwhelming to me. We used to measure our hands, mine so small against his capable strength. He holds me gently as though he's frightened that I might break, and it's true. I might. I could if I keep drifting backward.

"Sandy," Connie's voice calls over the chatter of other guests. "I didn't think you were going to make it…" Her eyes fix onto our joined hands, then run up Tyler's muscular arm to his muscular shoulder and across his insanely ripped chest before drifting up to his face. "Whoa," she says. "Well…Tyler, I was not expecting it to be you."

"Congratulations," he says, sliding his hand out of mine. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks," Connie beams. "I just tossed this outfit together. There was absolutely no planning involved at all." Her eyes roll and then find mine, wide and searching. "I'm so glad you came."

"Me too." I pull her into a hug, remembering how kind she was to Carmella during her wedding breakdown. "Now, where are those sexy husbands of yours?"

"Well, to be honest, I have absolutely no idea. There are too many of them to keep track of, so I've just had to accept that they're out there somewhere." She waves her hand around theatrically. "One of them has Brett, of that I'm certain."

"I can't wait to see him. He must have grown so much."

"His voice is practically breaking," Connie laughs. She's exaggerating excessively, but I get her point. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Natalie with her twin sons, and they seem to have shot up inches since the last time we were in the same room.

Time is passing for everyone, but my life has been standing still.

"Connie." A woman waves from across the room, and Connie shrugs apologetically.

"Please help yourself to some food. It's all come from an organic farm owned by those ranchers I was telling you about." Connie winks and I have to stifle a smile.


She touches my arm before disappearing into the crowd.

Tyler moves closer, the heat of his body and his looming height stealing my breath. "She hasn't changed," he says.

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