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Deep 6 (Multiple Love)

Page 11

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"Six women living here, you mean?"

He shrugs and shakes his head. "That would never fucking work. We'd have to sell the place and buy our own apartments."

"Fuck that," I say. "Bros come first."

"So maybe the group idea isn't such a bad one."

A look passes between us that feels heavy with intention, but before I ask Andrew if he really means what I think he means, he's turned and walked away. His feet thud on the stairs as he goes back to the game, and I'm left alone in my room, with sheets to deal with and a whole heap of confusion too.



Sandy is waiting by herself in the kitchen, so I head there, wanting to make the most of the time I have while Tyler is busy upstairs.

She’s perched on the edge of the couch as though she doesn’t feel comfortable enough to rest back and relax. In her pretty dress, she looks like an angel who fell from the heavens. The skin on her bare shoulder’s glistens. Maybe it’s a cream that she’s used, or maybe she just radiates from within. I’m not an expert. I just know that if I could, I’d kiss her right there and watch her shiver.

But that’s not what I’m here for. I’d never go there unless Tyler was cool with it. Sandy was his girl. He might have left her, but it wasn’t because he didn’t want to be with her or because he didn’t love her. Sometimes life deals us a shitty hand, and we lose the advantages we accumulated before.

“Hey,” I say softly as soon as she notices me. “I’m Andrew. I just wanted to come and make sure you’re okay.”

“I’m great,” she says. “Just waiting for Tyler. I told him I’d stay in a motel. To be honest, I would have preferred it, but he wouldn’t agree. I just don’t want to put you all out.”

I wave my hand, then rest it on the table, leaning just a little, so I appear more relaxed. “It’s no trouble. There’s plenty of space.”

“That’s what Tyler said.” She smiles, but it’s with restraint. “Can I ask you something?” She glances at the door as though she’s worried that Tyler might appear at any moment.


“Has something happened in Tyler’s family? I mentioned his brother and sister, and he looked like he’d seen a ghost.”

Shit. I can’t believe she’s asking this outright. All I wanted to do was to tell her to be cautious with Tyler, not to spill all his secrets, but what do I say now? If I tell her that I can’t say, she’ll probably end up asking Tyler. I don’t think he’d be able to deal with that question without breaking down, and no dude ever wants to break down in front of the girl they love. I close my eyes, torn over how to respond, and Sandy waits without pressing harder.

“Yes,” I say eventually. “Four years ago. It wouldn’t be fair of me to tell you, though. Do you understand that? It’s Tyler’s family. Tyler’s story.”

“Four years ago?”

That’s enough information for her to realize that there’s a link between Tyler leaving her and what happened. Maybe that’ll be enough for her to treat my buddy with some care.

“Yeah. Four years.”

“The date on his arm. The tattoo?”

Fuck. I didn’t even think about that. She must have noticed it’s new. I nod, but I don’t elaborate.

“Please? Can you tell me? Was it Luna or Jake?”

“I’m sorry,” I say softly, putting my hand up, palm facing her. “Please don’t ask me anymore.”

Even as the words leave my lips, Sandy is resting her face in her hands. Her shoulders shake with a suppressed sob, and I’m across the room in a second, driven by instinct rather than sense. I never was good at watching women cry. My momma did enough of it. I spent half my childhood trying to make up for my douchebag father’s absence, to be the man she needed to keep her strong.

When I’m next to Sandy, I smell her sweet scent. I put my arm around her small frame and try not to let myself feel the attraction that I know is wrong, but it’s impossible. This woman is everything I ever wanted. I fell in love with the version of her that Tyler created with rambling stories he’d tell when he was drunk, and now she’s here in the flesh, and everything has gone from fantasy to reality.

“I’m sorry,” I say. “I shouldn’t have told you even that. Please don’t be upset. Please. If Tyler finds out I said something…”

Sandy stiffens, then uses her hands to clear the tears from her cheeks. She inhales a deep fortifying breath, holding it to stop her body’s physical reaction to the news. She gazes up at me, her hazel eyes almost cat-like, filled with questions and mystery. My hands itch to slide into her brown wavy hair and pull her closer. Her pouty lips are so near it would take nothing to kiss them.

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