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Trouble in Hell (Hell Night 1)

Page 15

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“Hmm… I’ve thought of a few, but nothing’s hit me as perfect yet. I’ve been calling him Bubba.

He grimaces, and I can’t help but laugh.

“You’re not thinking of naming your kid that, are you?”

“Why? What’s wrong with the name Bubba?”

Straightening from the railing, he scratches the scruff on his cheek. “It just sounds so… hickish. Like a name someone from the movie Deliverance would be called.”

I giggle. “And that’s bad?”

“Have you seen the movie?”

I wrinkle my nose. “Yes.”

“Then I don’t need to tell you it’s horrible.”

I tip my head. “Fair enough.”

Grabbing my tea, I take a swallow and notice two women pass the house. Their curious eyes unashamedly watch Dr. Trayce and I until they can no longer see us, going so far as turning their heads to keep us in view.

“I’d like to do a sonogram before you leave, just to get a closer look to ensure everything is okay. How about tomorrow?”

“I can do tomorrow.”

“If everything proves to be fine, you should be ready to go by Sunday.”

I nod. The glider squeaking is the only sound for several moments.

“What’s taking you all the way to Colorado?”

I glance at him and wonder if he’s just trying to fill the silence or if he’s truly curious. Either way, I keep my answer simple. He doesn’t need to know more than I’m willing to give. “My brother. He’s in the Air Force.

He wanted me to come out and stay a while. I’m gonna have the baby there.”

He doesn’t get a chance to respond before the screen door opens and Susan walks out carrying a glass of tea.

“I thought I heard your voice out here, Trouble,” she says, then hands him the glass.


“My name,” Dr. Trayce answers.

“Trouble is your name?” What kind of name is Trouble?


“Oh.” Before I can think better of it, I ask, “What’s your real name?”

His relaxed look is gone in a flash and something hard replaces it.

“That’s something you don’t need to know.”

Well, alrighty then. Guess that means our easy conversation is officially over. I scoot to the edge of the seat and my face heats when I have a bit of trouble getting to my feet. Being pregnant really sucks sometimes.

Dr. Trayce walks over and offers his hand. I let my hair fall in my face and pretend to not see it. Finally, I manage to stand.

“Sorry.” I give them both a forced smile. Dr. Trayce frowns as he takes a step back. “I need to go call my brother and let him know I’ll be leaving Monday.”

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