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Trouble in Hell (Hell Night 1)

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I turn on my heel when neither says a word. From the glances she keeps sliding to Dr. Trayce, I get the uncomfortable sense she’s waiting for me to leave so they can talk. Who am I to deny their wishes?

Once inside, I unplug my phone from the charger on the counter and go to my room. Sitting in the chair in the corner, I pull up my brother’s number. I briefed him this morning on what happened. He wanted to drive down and get me himself, but I told him it wasn’t necessary. Yes, I over did it yesterday, but I’m better at taking care of myself.

“Hey you. Change your mind about me coming to get you?” is his greeting.

“Nope. Last time I checked I was still a big girl. I don’t need my brother to come rescue me.”

He chuckles. “You used to love it when I saved the day.”

I prop my feet up on the stool in front of me and wiggle my toes. “Yeah, when I was like fourteen years old.”

“Hmm… What was that, like thirty years ago?”

“Hey, I’m not the old geezer here.”

His laugh brings a smile to my face.

“You aren’t too far off from me, you know.” He turns quiet for a minute before saying gruffly, “Fuck, but I can’t wait to see you.”

Kian isn’t just my brother, he’s also my best friend. He’s four years older than me, but he never let that get in the way. Most siblings argue a lot, especially in their teen years. That wasn’t Kian and me. I didn’t bug him like most little sisters and he didn’t treat me like I was a nuisance.

I miss my brother. The last time I saw him was six months ago. Eleven years ago, when he told me he was joining the Air Force, I thought my heart had stopped working. I was fourteen and quite dramatic at the time, but the thought of him joining the military terrified me. I wasn’t ready to give up my brother to the demands of life. I still needed him too much to go from seeing him every day, to not even being able to talk to him for days at a time. But seeing the excitement on his face, I knew it would be a bitchy and selfish move to try to talk him out of it. I plastered on a fake smile and pulled up my big girl panties. Those first few months of not having him around was torture and a big adjustment. I had my dad, but it wasn’t the same. It got easier over time, but I still missed my brother.

“Miss you too. Thank you for letting me come live with you until I get on my feet.”

“What the hell, Remi?” he growls. “You know you’re always welcome here. I just wish you would have come sooner.”

A lump forms in my throat, and I swallow it down. I wish I would have come sooner too. Unfortunately, there were things preventing me.

“Has Lynn tried calling you?” he asks quietly.



I pull on a loose string on my shirt. “I’ve been ignoring her,” I admit shamefully.

“Remi—” he starts but I cut him off.

“I don’t blame her, but it’s just hard. I mean, what if she blames me?”

“You know she doesn’t.”

“I know that’s what she said, but that doesn’t mean a small part of her doesn’t.”

“If she hasn’t blamed you yet, she’s not going to blame you now that her father’s in jail. She loves you and knows it wasn’t your fault.”

“Yeah.” I sigh, logically knowing he’s right, but still terrified he’s wrong. Lynn and I have been friends since she moved into the neighboring house when we were kids. She’s one of the sweetest people I know. We’ve been there for each other through thick and thin. This situation has been no different, but then again, it’s monumentally different.

“You need to call her.”

I nod then remember I’m on the phone and he can’t see me. “I will when I get to your place.” As emotional as that conversation will be, it needs to happen. I just hope Lynn can forgive my stupidity in ignoring her.


“Speaking of, the doctor here said I should be good to go on Monday. He wants to do a sonogram tomorrow, just to be on the safe side.”

“Is he really that concerned?”

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